By Peg Prendeville

As I sit down to write these notes on a Monday afternoon I hear that Gaybo has died. It is like a family death as we all, in my generation, grew up listening to Gay Byrne on the Late Late or on his Radio show. I remember when I was a young mother in Co. Meath, home alone each day with a baby and no phone or car, Gay Byrne on his radio programme each morning made me feel not so alone or isolated. I had a friend in the house with me. He could be exasperating or consoling or funny depending on one’s own mood. I happened to get on a Late Late show in 1995 and had the honour of reciting a verse which I composed on the journey up to Dublin. It went like this:

Hello there Gay, I just want to say

I’ve realised my life’s ambition

To get on the Late Late I just couldn’t wait

But I must make one confession.

You’re nice, I know, and you present a good show

But it’s not always to my taste

Sometimes I get sad when I think you’re being bad

And I resent all my time that you waste.

But just for tonight I’ll sit back and be quiet

And proclaim you the greatest of all

To all those at home I’m sorry you couldn’t come

But I’m here and I’m having a ball.  

Needless to say, Gay being the professional gentleman that he was, thanked me with a smile. I am sure there will be lots and lots of tributes to him as the week goes on.

The Parish Clerk’s collection takes place this coming Sunday at both Masses. The envelope for this collection is in the Weekly Planning Box. Your generous support will be appreciated as we have two very efficient clerks in Mary O’Brien and Frances Liston who do wonderful work.

All roads lead to the Devon Inn this coming Saturday night for the Lip Sync show in the Devon Inn. Tickets are available from Martina Phillips phone (087) 914 5952 or any of the Lipsync participants and committee. Lots of rehearsals has gone into putting this show together and we all look forward to it.

The annual Craft Fair, which is a fundraiser for the Parish Hall, will be on Sunday 24th November from 1pm to 4.30 pm. Your support will be greatly appreciated. This goes to the upkeep of the Parish Hall which, I hear, has had a lot of expenses during this year. The contact for bookings is Mary Stanley at 0871463208. Booking notice at least two weeks in advance please.