by Kathleen Mullane


Thankfully the long Bank Holiday weekend gave us some beautiful sunshine at last which was long awaited and wasn’t it lovely to have some heat in one’s bones at last. A group of us walked from Newcastlewest to Barnagh and back, stopping at the cafe in Barnagh for refreshments and it was wonderful en route to experience the sound of silence, no traffic just the sound of the birds and little streams, and those who passed us by on foot or on Bikes, and one could relish and enjoy the beautiful scenery. We are extremely so lucky to have The Greenway at our disposable it being so safe for families, walkers and cyclists and one can go many kilometres now from Co Limerick and into Co Kerry, if you haven’t been try it out its brilliant.

Well, I was delayed writing my few bits this Monday night as I got glued into watching The Way We Were on RTE 1. My god how times have changed as they looked back on years gone by. It started off showing the crowds of people going in to Mass long ago, all the ladies with their hats and handbags dressed immaculately and the men with their suits and shirts and ties. It went on to show the ‘50s and onwards and the different clothes and haircuts they had. The hippies were there in the ‘60s with their flowery clothes etc.  In the 70s and around that time  you had the Teddy Boys who hung out at the street corners and the girls were told to keep away from them though they did nothing. They had big quiffs of hair and pointed shoes, The Mods were next and they swaggered around full of Importance. the 1970s also had the side-burns for the men and the platform shoes for the ladies which caused many an accident .

The Punks were next all colourful  and the ladies tried to copy Eileen Reid’s hairstyle she sang with The Cadets Showband and had the bee hive hairstyle  which those who tried to copy it needed so much back-combing to give it the height. The 1980S brought the Bay City Rollers and the Beatles and mini-skirts which had mothers and fathers out of their mind about the length of the skirts. How times change, now its mostly sports gear with both men and women and more casual gear ,and of course the mullet hair cut for the boys which I detest, its like you put a bowl on top of their head and cut around it, but no doubt there will be another fad in the near future again .

We have the Eurovision starting this week for all enthusiasts hopefully Ireland will get through with Bambie-Thug which is really an usual performance but it seems its not so much the song that wins now but the big stage performance we wait and see.

This Wednesday night sees the final night of the Bible and Scripture Readings and Reflections at the Library at 7.30 -8.30 with Sean O Mochain and Pat Higgins at the helm. We thank them for giving a great insight into The Bible and this last talk will be on The Book Of Revelation -all welcome.


Thought For The Week