Archive for September, 2014



Athea National School

Athea National School is delighted to announce the opening of the new class for children with autism. After a difficult summer of negotiation with the Dept. the special class was finally granted. Over the holidays a classroom has been renovated, a sensory room created and shower facilities with wheelchair access.

This special classroom (pictured above) will meet the needs of pupils with educational needs arising from their diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Children with special educational needs mature and develop and their learning needs change over time. For this reason and to ensure that the special class remains the most appropriate educational setting for pupils enrolled and inclusion of children with special educational needs, the Department of Education and Skills identified Athea School as an appropriate setting.

Funding is always an issue with a school of our size and to this end we ask the parish to support the school in the upcoming church gate collection which takes place this Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September. With thank you in advance for your generous support and will endeavour as always to deliver the best educational curriculum to support and encourage the children of the parish.

Margaret Watters (Principal)

Thank you

The Brothers of Charity, West Limerick Services, would sincerely like to thank all those who helped in any way in our recent 5th Annual Charity Cycle. At the Brothers of Charity Services, celebrating 30 years in Newcastle West, we provide day & residential services for adults with an Intellectual Disability in West Limerick. We currently provide services for 75 people and their families. To all those who cycled, bucket collected, sponsored food, water and refreshments, as well as those who contributed to our collection, we wish to say thanks for your continued support.

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Kathleen’s Corner-24/09/14

“Up The Kingdom”

Well, Kerry had it all this past week! The Listowel Races “basked in sunshine” for the entire week and although Friday, being Ladies Day, started off drizzly and damp, however the day remained dry for the duration of the races and luckily the hats and all the fabulous style were not affected and the brollies were not needed!   Everyone  agreed there was a great atmosphere on the course especially for the final few days where even women and children came out in their hundreds and thousands enjoying the odd flutter and of course the amusements were a great attraction for the young and not so young. The only complaint I heard was a person who bought two (7Up’s) that cost €7 !

On to Sunday and the minor and senior All-Ireland finals. Again Kerry were victorious in both games much to the delight of their supporters. Thousands thronged the streets of Rathmore, Tralee, Killarney etc for the homecoming with “Sam” on Monday and of course Kerry men and women all over the world were proud of their Kerry roots as they watched it on all the modern technology –  computers, I phones etc.

A reminder that Athea N.S. are holding their annual Church gate collection this weekend, September 27th/ 28th. As we all know Athea N.S. is one of the most up-to-date schools around and has great facilities for our young people. You are asked to give as generously as possible.

It was great to see Canon Kelly back on the altar for Saturday night’s evening Mass. We wish him continued good health 

Thanks is extended by the organisers of the Coffee Morning, to all who attended and gave so generously to Milford Hospice on Thursday last.

The ploughing championships take place this week in Laois and for a change the ground is too dry for ploughing – what a change from the muck and wet and wellie-wearing years when the ground was water logged

Just watching Crimecall and a warning to all cyclists, walkers, joggers etc to ensure that they wear their high-vis jackets when taking to the roads these evenings. When one sets out it can be quite bright but darkness sets in very quickly and often when one gets home it can be pitch dark.

– be safe – be seen –

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Knockdown News-24/09/14

The Listowel races are over, the Sam Maguire is back to Kerry, the Ploughing is underway in Ratheniska, Co. Laois and the sun is still shining. What more can we ask for? We are surely getting a lovely autumn.

The Wrenboy tradition at Listowel is dying out. I believe there was only one batch – from Clare – there last Friday night which is a pity. I suppose it is the cycle of life, things come and things go. Surprisingly life goes on anyway. 

I was in Dublin on Sunday. There is always such a great buzz in the city on the day of an All Ireland. Back in the 70’s when I worked in Dublin and lived in the shadow of Croke Park I was always amazed at the early hour people started arriving and parking the cars in every space that could be found. Parking is stricter now and one could be clamped if not careful. Having parked in Drumcondra on Sunday morning it was lovely to walk down Drumcondra Rd and see all the yellows, greens and golds of the jerseys. Everyone, no matter which jersey they were wearing, was in good form looking forward to an exciting day. All the pubs and restaurants and takeaways were busy serving breakfasts.

All the worries of the world, IS, Ukraine, Syria, Ebola outbreak etc,  were put aside for one day and it was time to have fun. It was just a lovely sight. We walked down into O’Connell St just to savour the atmosphere and everywhere was a mass of colour and smiling faces. But after five o’clock and the full time whistle had blown the faces changed. Now the Kerry jersey wearers were in top form while the Donegal’s walked as fast as they could to their cars and buses with heavy hearts and sad faces. If I was not married to a Kerryman I would have supported them and felt so sorry for them. But there has to be winners and losers in every game and Kerry were the winners on Sunday.

Fr O’Leary will be leaving the parish next week and we will welcome our new priest Fr Austin McNamara on the 1st weekend of October.

Glin library will be closed all day on this Friday.

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