Sr. Rosarii celebrating her Alabaster Jubilee with some of her family.
Sr. Rosarii celebrating her Alabaster Jubilee with some of her family.
The Way I See It
By Domhnall de Barra
“There’s no show like a Joe show” was a slogan used for the great Joe Dolan and I thought of it last week while listening to the Liveline programme RTE radio. The previous day in the Dail saw a heated exchange between Michael Healy Rae and Leo Varadkar concerning the proposed development of a gas terminal in the Tarbert/Ballylongford area. They both were accused of looking down their nose at each other, Leo Varadkar stating that, just because he spoke with a different accent, was middleclass and came from Dublin, did not mean that he did not understand the people of Ireland. Michael Healy Rae took exception to the fact that Leo said he might not have understood what was said and eventually he said “off with you now with the airy-fairies an see how far that will get you”. Leo said it was not a nice thing to say and asked him to contemplate on it overnight and comment on it the following day. Joe Duffy then rang Michael Healy Rae and had him on Liveline where he tried every trick he knew to get Michael to admit to some type of homophobia. He asked him if he had ever attended a gay rights gathering and if he approved of gay marriage and even asked him how he voted in the same sex marriage referendum. This, to my mind, was taking it a bit too far. How a person votes is a private matter and is not an indication of their overall thinking. Many people who might have been inclined to vote yes in that referendum did not do so for religious reasons because the Catholic teaching is that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. I voted yes myself, even though I had reservations but I felt that those who were already committed to each other and in loving relationships deserved the rights and protections that marriage would bring them. Live and let live is my motto and Michael Healy Rae said the same thing. Joe Duffy continually shouted him down and would not let him finish a point but he held his own and, to my mind, came out of the debate much better than Joe did. The crux of the matter was the use of the word “air-fairy”. I looked it up and it means “fanciful and unrealistic” but because the word “fairy” is sometimes used to describe homosexuals Joe Duffy had his mind made up that Michael Healy Rae was alluding to Leo Varadkar’s homosexuality which I don’t think he was. The word “fairy” has always been used in this neck of the woods to describe a naughty or mischievous child. I remember my own mother calling the cat a “right little fairy” and I’m certain she wasn’t referring to its sexuality! “Away with the fairies” was another well used expression to describe a person with daft notions but now, any mention of fairy will be taken as an insult. Liveline is a great programme and has been instrumental in exposing wrongdoing and injustice over the years. Marion Finucane was at the helm for many years and was very good at dealing with callers. She acted as an impartial referee and let the public have a fair debate. Joe Duffy seems to want to push his own ideas and he can be quite rude to people he doesn’t agree with. He can also be sickeningly condescending at times and in general it has become the Joe Duffy show rather than Liveline. He has the ability to do great service to the public but acting like he did with Michael Healy Rae may put would-be callers off fearing they might be subjected to the same abuse. I hope Joe learns a lesson from the encounter and acts in a more professional manner in future.
Last week I wrote about the circus and I thought of a joke the late great Paddy Fallon used to tell when he was with us on tour. It went like this: The circus came to town and both the shows went well. In the middle of the night an elephant escaped from his enclosure and wandered out of town. Tom and Mary Murphy lived nearby and as it was the middle of Summer and they had a small farm they were early risers. Mary got up first and looked out the upstairs window. “Tom, Tom” she shouted, come here”. “What’s wrong with you woman”, he said. “There’s the quarest looking yoke you ever saw outside in the vegetable garden”. “What’s he doing there” said Tom. I’ll tell you”, she replied, “he’s picking up cabbages with his tail and I’d hate to tell you where he’s stuffing them!”
Weekend Masses Intentions
Sat 2nd Apr 7.30pm: Nora Noonan.
Sun 3rd Apr 10.30am: Billy Barrett – recently deceased in the UK and late of Knocknagorna.
Michael Scanlon Snr. , Michael Scanlon Jnr. , Dolores & Sharath Chandra.
Lenten Programme (All services available through the webcam)
Wednesday 7.30 pm: Lenten Prayer Service.
Thursday 3-4pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Devine Mercy prayers.
The Rosary will be recited before mass on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
We congratulate the children of 2nd class who received their First Holy Communion last Saturday morning at 11.30am.
Baptismal Information: Any parent wishing to baptise their child must have completed the baptismal course. Please contact Theresa for further details 087 1513565.
Ministers of the Word and Ministers of the Eucharist
Sat 2/4 Kathleen Mullane /Mary Sheahan Sun 3/4 Linda Hunt / Mary Hunt
All masses/services are streamed live on
If you wish to book a mass etc., text/phone Siobhan on 087-2237858 or email the parish office at [email protected]
Fr Brendan will be leaving the parish on Easter Sunday after nearly six years with us. We will be sad to see him go and want to wish him the best for the future as he takes up a new position with his own religious congregation in Rockwell College, Co Tipperary. Fr Tony and Fr Denis will be taking over responsibility for the parish from Easter Sunday onwards.
We will be having an extra special mass on Easter Sunday to ‘Thank’ Fr. Brendan for his time with us and will be making a presentation to him on behalf of the parish – however if anyone wishes to make a personal donation to Fr. Brendan you can place your envelope in the offertory box and it will be passed onto him.
By Kathleen Mullane
Well with the extra hour in the evening and the most beautiful weather we have been having over the past few days one would think they were out in some foreign holiday resort in the month of March. On the other hand my daughter in America said that they are experiencing severe freezing conditions at the moment unusual for New York. Our climate is definitely changing. Hopefully we wont get the very cold temperatures this weekend.
Congrats to all the girls and boys of 2nd class in Athea NS who received their 1st Holy Communion on Saturday last and what a day it was for their celebration. Well done also to Teresa O Halloran who, as always, had the altar donned out so beautifully, as she always does for the different occasions.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the Wrenn family on the recent passing of Sonny Wrenn, formerly of Gortnagross and Templeouge, Dublin. He is survived by his wife, son and daughter, relatives and friends to whom sympathy is extended.
Next weekend a special collection will be taken up at the masses for the people of Ukraine. If you wish to donate to this great cause just put your donation into a sealed envelope and place it in the offertory box inside the church doors. Write APPEAL FOR UKRAINE on the front. All donations will be forwarded to the diocese who will pass it on to the relief agencies.
This Friday is April 1st. – FOOLS DAY. What fun we used to have in days gone by fooling each other with Lies and Pranks. It’s one day I won’t forget in a hurry, it was the day my daughter Michelle was born. No one at home called on our great neighbour God rest her Peg O’ Connor who went down for Bill Casey to transport me to hospital. Bill was doing Hackney at the time. Bill wouldn’t come the first time he thought being Fools Day it was a joke-it was far from it. After a 2nd trip down he came and off we went with nurse Jane Desmond at the Helm and me in a state. Had to divert on the road to Limerick knew we wouldn’t make Limerick, was carried in to St Itas in Newcastle by 2 elderly men in a chair where nurse Bernie Ambrose, nee Stack, from Athea delivered a bouncing baby – talking of mortification on my part, that is my lifelong memory of Fools Day – anyway thank you Bill Casey I am indebted to you.
Thought for the week:-
Ships don’t sink because of the water that’s around them – they sink because of the water that gets into them.
Dont let whats around you get Inside you and WEIGH YOU DOWN.