Vaccinations at O’Riordan’s Pharmacy
O’Riordan’s Pharmacy, Athea will be running vaccination clinics for the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine from the start of July.
We are currently taking names for anyone aged over 35. This age limit will be reducing as the HSE lowers the age cohorts.
Please contact the pharmacy for any further information on 068 42418. We will not be able to give your booster shot if you have already got your first injection in the vaccine hub.
Thank You
Philomena Kiely and Helen O’Sullivan, with the Ronald McDonald House, would like to thank you all for giving so generously to there baby appeal for the Ronald McDonald house. Yet again you have all gone above and beyond with your generosity. Not alone did we get numerous supplies but also received €370 euro in cash donations, all off which will be put to good use in the Ronald McDonald house. Many thanks – Philomena and Helen.
St. Bartholomew’s Church, Athea
Mass Intentions next weekend
Sat July 3rd 7.30pm: Margaret Danaher (1st anniversary) and her husband Maurice.
All masses and funeral masses are live streamed on the Church Services TV network via the following link
The Church is open daily for private prayer. If you wish to book an anniversary mass, a wedding or get a mass card signed please contact Fr. Brendan on 087-0562674 or Siobhán on 087-2237858.
Baptismal Information Any parent who wishes to baptise their child must have the baptismal course completed – for further details please contact Theresa on 087 1513565.
Course Dates: Tues 13th July/ Tues 10th August.
Graduation Mass We had a lovely graduation mass last Wednesday for this year’s 6th class, organised by their teacher Ms. Leahy. We ask God to bless them and their families and all the school community of Athea NS as they head into the summer holidays.
The Way I See It
By Domhnall de Barra
I met a neighbour while I was out walking the other day and we got to talking about the freedom the top of the Cnoceens gives us especially during a time when people in towns and cities were confined to back gardens not big enough to swing the proverbial cat in. She said: “I never thought I would say how lucky I was to live in the bog”. I know exactly what she meant. When we were growing up the bog was thought of as wilderness by town and city dwellers and those who lived on more fertile land. There were different types of land; good grassland, usually limestone based, mixed land with some wet rushy fields as well as good arable land, and bogland which was useless for growing grass or hay. There were mainly two types of people in our area; those who owned land and those who did not. Most of those who didn’t own their own land got employment from the bigger land owners but, on the verge of the bogland, there were several small holdings with very mixed land, who augmented their meagre earnings by working in the bog during the summer months. People from the bogland areas were thought of as stupid, to put it mildly. To call someone a “bog man” or “bog woman” was not at all complementary. Two brothers from Ardagh were members of the Limerick county senior panel a good few years ago. When they would arrive at training at the Gaelic Grounds in Limerick, the manager, who hailed from the city would say: “the boys from the bog are landed”. I remember, quite a few years ago, doing a video on the music of West Limerick and Athea in particular, which was aired on Comhaltas live on U– Tube. I spoke about and played the polkas and slides of the area and played a few of them as examples. I got very favourable comments on line except for one that stood out. It simply said “typical bog man and his music”. My first reaction was anger but, the more I thought about it, the more I realised that he was, unwittingly, paying me a compliment. If I am a typical bog man then I am very proud of that fact. Our bogs are rare and special, full of flora and fauna and the most invigorating fresh air in the world. There is a certain smell in the bog that is subtle but very pleasant. Many of you will remember the taste of tea in the bog. It is the best tea you will ever drink. We always call bogland “mountain” even though it may not be that elevated. That is how Athea got its name from the Irish Áth an tSléibhe, “The Ford of the Mountains” because it is surrounded on all sides by bogland. As my mother used to say, “people from the mountain are great to make out” and indeed they are, some of them could give lessons on the art of survival. It is a pity that the turf cutting is coming to an end. Even if there wasn’t a green agenda, it will be all cut away in a few years. It would be nice to think that it will be left as it is but I fear that it will all get planted with even more Sitka Spruce or some other fast-growing trees. We should enjoy it while we can.
Talking about beautiful places, I was playing in a golf competition in Killarney on Sunday afternoon last. As I was about to take a shot I spotted some movement out of the corner of my eye and next thing a big deer passed in front of me taking no notice whatsoever. They roam free around the golf course and have no fear of humans. There was also an abundance of rabbits but what fascinated me most of all were the crows. I was on one green, having left my bag about 330 yards to the left when I saw a crow perch on the bag. He opened the zip with his beak and pulled out what he thought was a chocolate bar but it was only the wrapping I was taking back to the bin. The Killarney members told me that they have become quite adept at thieving like this and they pick on unsuspecting visitors as they know the locals are on to them. Isn’t nature wonderful
I was passing the sewage plant on the Glin road, the other day, when I spotted a skip lorry inside collecting a skip that was under a chute. I didn’t take much notice until that lorry passed me as I was crossing over the bridge near the office. The smell of raw sewage was overpowering and spread throughout the village. Surely it is not legal to transport raw sewage in an open skip. I thought it should at least be in an enclosed tanker and I dread to think what would happen if that lorry had an accident. The water section of Limerick Council have questions to answer.
The older you get, the more friends you lose. Two of mine died in the past week. Back in the ’eighties, when there was a very bad depression, myself and Billy Sullivan worked with each other to try and keep a roof over our heads. We both had old lorries and a couple of machines and spent more time doing repairs than actually making money from them but we survived and had many good and bad days together. What we had we shared and eventually got on our feet and went on to live better lives. Billy drove a truck until he recently retired and, fittingly, it led the way before him to the church. He leaves me with great memories
The second friend was a more recent acquaintance made through our love of golf. Mike O’Connor, originally from Keylod, Moyvane, was a member in Castleisland Golf Club for many years and we played together regularly, especially in the seniors competition every Monday. We were also members of the Billy O’Sullivan competition team that represented the club. He was always enquiring about people from Athea that he knew from the time when he drove the milk lorry for Kerry Co-op. He used to say, “be sure and let me know if anyone is dead”. Alas it is now his turn but I will miss him as a great friend and a wonderful gentleman who never had a bad word to say about anyone. May they both rest in peace.