Archive for March, 2024

News – 26/3/24


Catriona Shine, Upper Athea and Oslo, doing a reading from her debut novel which was launched on 6th March

Athea Tidy Towns

Team Limerick Clean-up

We will again be taking part in the Team Limerick Clean on Good Friday March 29th. Registration at Con Colbert Hall at 9am, clean up to be completed by 12 noon. Anyone with litter pickers are asked to please bring them along as litter pickers are limited this year. Rubbish bags will be collected from Athea GAA car park on Friday evening. We are hoping that all roads approaching the village will be litter picked on this day so if you would like to make a difference to your area and spring clean our roads, please come along on Friday morning.

Athea Community Carries the Cross Together’.On Good Friday March 29th, an outdoor Stations of the Cross Trail through the village of Athea will take place.  The  Walking Trail will begin inside St. Bartholomew’s Church at 3pm ( Station 1) and finish at the altar at Holy Cross Graveyard (Station 14), followed by the Veneration of the Cross. Athea Parish would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone to join them on Good Friday. Weather permitting. For further information, please contact Pat Higgins on 0872034626.

Dawn Mass 

An Easter Dawn mass will take place on Easter Sunday morning at 6am at Holy Cross Graveyard, weather permitting. The advice is to wrap up well, and bring a torch.

The Way I See It

By Domhnall de Barra

“The news of the week was the announcement by Leo Varadkar that he was resigning as leader of Fine Gael and also standing down as Taoiseach. It came as a shock to most of us, not because it might happen but because of the timing. He says he is no longer the man for the job and basically has had enough but I fear there is a little more to the story than that. Fine Gael has been losing popularity to such an extent that sitting TDs are queuing up to announce they will not be contesting the next election. Rats and sinking ships comes to mind so I would not be surprised if the “suits” in charge of Fine Gael didn’t tap him on the shoulder and persuade him to do the decent thing and fall on his sword because, under his leadership, the party had no chance in the next election. They will say that those TDs who are resigning are getting old and have given great service but I don’t see the same thing happening in other parties. The writing is on the wall and it is no great surprise with our democratic system where we get an opportunity every few years to show our leaders what we think of them. It is a bit like Lannigan’s Ball with stepping in and stepping out again. While in opposition, parties gain popularity because they can promise the electorate the sun, moon and stars without having to deliver. The same happens to our neighbours east and west. In the UK the Tories and Labour swap over every few years. In the last election, the Tories under the leadership of Boris Johnson had a landslide victory which is going to be reversed in favour of Labour later this year. In America, the Conservatives and Democrats take turns  in power as well so it is no surprise that we are about to give the heave ho to the establishment parties next time in favour of Sinn Féin. They have performed well in opposition but if they get into power the ”yes minister” factor will come into play. “Yes minister” was a British comedy series that lampooned the relationship between the department secretary and the govern minister. It was a really good program but was closer to the truth than most people like to believe. It is the department secretaries who have the real power.  While ministers have to be elected and selected for office, department secretaries are permanent  and will see different ministers come and go. A minister may come in with a great idea to which the secretary may say, yes minister, but if you do that then this will happen which will trigger this but of course it is your decision.   When they get into government, parties will realise that there are limits to what can be achieved but that carries no weight for the electorate who gave them their votes to carry out what they promised. The government are getting blamed for all the woes of the country but people have short memories. We did have the big financial crash that left us in serious debt and we are living through a post pandemic world that is full of war and  upheaval. No matter who was in power the result would have been the same. I think where Fine Gael went wrong was in the last leadership contest when they chose Leo over Simon Coveney. Coveney is a very  good politician with a head for business and finance but also has the common touch, something Leo does not. He was to appeal to the modern, yuppie types, particularly in urban areas and maybe he did but the party suffered at rural level. I think Simon Coveney would have made an excellent leader of both party and government but that ship has sailed. I am afraid we are in for more of the same with Simon Harris who is more akin to Leo than Coveney. It is too late to rescue the party now. They must resign themselves to a stint on the opposition benches for a while and allow some others to follow in their footsteps. Will it affect candidates in the upcoming local elections? I hope not because I believe that party politics should have little bearing on who we elect to local councils. We should look at the candidates in our area and chose the one we think will do the best job for us, regardless of political affiliation.  Local authorities now have a decent budget to distribute so we need someone local who will deliver for us. On the national level the message is simple. People need a job, place to live, a health service that is fit for purpose, a  cost of living that does not break the bank and a future for their children.  The government have done a great job of attracting employment to the country but what good is that when somebody who commands a decent salary cannot take a job in certain locations because there isn’t an affordable place to buy or rent. There is a scarcity of construction workers at the moment because they are all working abroad and who can blame them? At the end of the day, it is how much of your money you can keep. Even if we had enough workers, are w building the right type of houses?  There are so many regulations attached to building these days that delay the start of production but all that could be simplified. All people want is a decent place to live, not an upmarket manor. Get back to what we did in the last century and build terraced houses in towns and villages and cottages in the country. It worked then so why wouldn’t it work now?  Where there is a will there’s a way.

Congratulations to Athea Drama Group on a magnificent production over the past couple of weeks. It was a good comedy, what we all need at the moment, and the acting was very professional, far above what one would expect from a local drama group. There is one more performance on Thursday  night but I am sure there will be requests for more.

Church Notices

Parish Pastoral Unit (Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Templeglantine and Tournafulla).

Canon Tony Mullins 087 2600414, Fr. Willie Russell 087 2272825, Fr. Denis Mullane 087 2621911 and Fr Dan Lane 087 2533030 (retired).

Masses & Ceremonies Holy Week: Tuesday 9.30am.  Holy Thursday 7.30pm.

Good Friday: Outdoor Stations of the Cross (weather permitting) commencing at St. Bartholomew’s church at 3pm and making our way to Holy Cross cemetery. Veneration of the Cross after the Stations. Easter Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30pm.

Easter Sunday: Dawn Mass at Holy Cross Cemetery 6am and Mass at 11am in the church.

Confessions after mass on Tuesday morning and Thursday evening.

Eucharistic Adoration and The Devine Mercy Chaplet on Tuesday morning after mass.

Mass Intentions Sunday Mar 31st. Nora O’Connell.

All masses are streamed live on

Sacrament of Confirmation: Congratulations to all the children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation recently here in Athea. Sincere thanks to all who helped them prepare for their special day and to those who helped prepare the church for the celebration.

Lenten Scripture Reflection: ‘A Journey through the Bible’ – taking place in the Library every Wednesday night, will take a break this ‘Holy Week ‘and will recommence again after Easter.

Parish Administration: Tues-Fri 11am-1pm. call Siobhan on 087-3331459, outside these hours text or email [email protected]


Athea Community Council

Lucky Numbers Draw   25/03/2024

No’s Drawn: 20,  21,  22,  31.   No Winner

Lucky Dips

Bridie Brouder,                  Gale View

Gillian & Tracey,               c/o Haulie Liston

Noreen Barry,                    Cratloe

Birdie Kinsella, Templeathea

Sellers Prize: White’s Bar & Collins’  Shop

 Next Draw:  01/04/’24  Venue:  Brown Joe’s

 Jackpot €20,100

Batt’s Bar

Duck & Swan

Traditional Music Night

Friday, April 5th @ 9p.m.

Music, song, craic & raffle 

All Welcome





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Kathleens Corner – 26/3/24

by Kathleen Mullane


May God Bless you at Easter and keep you all year


May God give you all the faith it takes to make your dreams come true.

May His love and wisdom always help to guide you on your way.

May His light shine down upon you now to bless your Easter Day.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter this weekend.

Can you believe it our clocks are going Forward this Saturday night and we thought when they were going to Winter time that we would never see the end of the darker evenings and already the time has arrived so quickly. All we need now is a bit of sunshine to go with the longer days.

A few Happy Congratulations this week. Firstly to Caroline Pierse of Gortnagross, Happy 60th birthday wishes are extended . Caroline celebrated her special day along with her family.

Nora Mulvihill-Buckley of Blaine celebrated her 30th special day on Saturday night last at Brown Joe’s along with her husband  Dave Buckley who was also celebrating his 40th, a double celebration.

A very happy occasion for Pauline and Patsy Kelleghan of Knocknagorna who celebrated their very Special 60th Diamond Wedding Anniversary on Saturday night last along with their family and grandkids at The Horeshoe in Listowel where they had a lovely evening. Heres to many more years of Health and Happiness for them both.

Louise Byrnes of Templeathea was delighted to hear she had won a trip home to Ireland for her sister Jenny, Husband Andrew and children Sean and Maeve  from The USA for St Patricks Weekend with Limerick Radio. They were treated to a stay at The Savoy Hotel and front seats with The Mayor of Limerick at the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Limerick. In all a wonderful free trip home to see family and relations and friends,well done Louise .

Sincere Sympathy is extended to Billy and Brownie White and all their family members and especially to their sister Joannie in New Jersey USA whose Daughter Anne Caruso went to her Eternal Reward last week at a young age following an illness. She is survived by her husband and 2 children. May the Light of Heaven be Hers.

Confirmation Day on Wednesday last turned out to be a lovely day for The Confirmation with Bishop Brendan with the Sun shining out for the boys and girls. Wishing them all the best for the future.

Bible readings at the Library will continue each Wednesday night at 7.30 after this week, but not this Wednesday night due to mass of Chrism in Limerick. Hopefully we will have a dry day for the Carrying of The Cross on Good Friday and also for The Dawn Mass on Easter Sunday Morning these will be weather permitting events to which everyone is invited to come.

And finally enjoy The Easter Eggs and for all those who gave up the sweets, biscuits and any other treats,  well done.

Congrats to Athea Drama Group on their production which played to full houses over the past 2 weeks and with an extra night this Thursday. It was a Laugh a minute and we all need a good laugh with enough doom and gloom around. Congrats to each and everyone who was involved in all aspects of the production .

Hoping everyone in all areas of our Parish will be out and about this Good Friday doing the annual Big Clean Up . It’s nice to have all our approaching roads and by roads around Athea Spic and Span as we have a lot going for us in our little village in comparison to others so it’s nice to help out even though we are picking up others rubbish.

Ready for the off in Lanzarote last week Tommy Carroll, Ned White and Paddy Mullane enjoying the sun



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By Carrig Side – 26/3/24

by Tom Aherne

RISING STAR: Congratulations to Sophie Hennessy Carrigkerry and Old Mill ladies football club who has been named as goalkeeper on the Ladies HEC Rising Stars Team 2024.The awards are to recognise the contribution of players who participate in the Lagan, Donaghy and Moynihan Cups in the Higher Education  College Competitions. Sophie lined out for Mary Immaculate College Limerick.

EASTER CEREMONIES: The Holy Week Ceremonies for Ardagh/ Carrigkerry parish are, Holy Thursday March 28, mass in Ardagh at 7.30pm, Eucharistic Ministers are invited to renew their commitment. A meeting with all the Eucharistic  Ministers and Readers of the Word will be held afterwards. Good Friday, Passion of the Lord in Carrigkerry at 3pm, Stations of the Cross in Carrigkerry at 6.30pm and in Ardagh at 7.30pm. Saturday March 30, Easter Vigil in Ardagh at 9pm. Easter Sunday of the Lords Resurrection in Carrigkerry ay 11am. Parishioners are asked to hand in their Trocaire contributions at  the Easter week ceremonies.

The Holy Week Ceremonies for Coolcappa/Kilcolman parish are Holy Thursday Kilcolman mass at 7.30pm, followed by Adoration for one hour. Good Friday Passion at Kilcolman at 4pm, Stations of the Cross at Coolcappa at 7.30pm. Saturday March 30, Easter Vigil in Coolcappa at 8pm. Easter Sunday mass in Kilcolman at 11am.

KILCOLMAN SCHOOL WALK: Kilcolman N.S., is organising an I Donate fundraising event to help raise essential funding  for the school on Good Friday March 29 along the Ardagh Greenway. Walkers can select their own time and the recommended donations are € 5 per person and € 15 per family. All are welcome to participate.

SPONSORED WALK: David Egan formerly of Carrigkerry now residing in Holland has been doing an annual walk  for charity for a number of years. He walks the equivalent  distance ( 1,032km) from his home in Holland to his former home in Carrigkerry. This year he has kindly  decided to do  this fundraiser for the new Sensory Garden in Carrigkerry. On March 22 David had 350 km walked and € 820 raised. David is coming home for Easter, so the committee have decided  to welcome him home  as well as to help him  clock up a few more Kilometres  in his quest to achieve  his target. The walk will be held on Easter Monday April 1 starting at 2pm, from Carrigkerry Community Centre. The walk will take in the scenic ring of Glensharrold townland  passing Scotland Bog  and by the Flag Floor entrance passage and returning to the Community Centre for refreshments. All ladies, gentlemen and children are welcome to participate in the walk and to support David and to thank him for his great support of local fundraisers in recent years.

GAELIC GAMES: Well, done to St Kieran’s players and coaches in winning the Ita Madigan cup hurling tournament. Congratulations also  to Drom/Broadford on winning the shield  on March 3. Well, done to Michael Long who was a member of the Limerick u20 football panel who drew with Tipperary on Friday March 15, in Round 1 of the Munster Championship. Congratulations to Chloe O Connor who has been selected on the U14 Limerick County Camogie panel for 2024. Following 5 weeks of trials and a starting panel of 180 players Chloe successfully made into the selected 45 panel for 2024. South Limerick defeated West Limerick by 2-5 to 2-4 in the Mackey Cup final held at Neville Park Rathkeale on March 13. Calum Madigan Kilcolman national school was a member of the west panel. South Limerick defeated West Limerick by 1-2 to 0-3 in the Neville Cup final held at Neville Park Rathkeale.  Ella Hough Coolcappa national school and Maeve Madigan Kilcolman national school were part of the west panel.

St Kieran’s camogie girls represented the club in the Rathkeale  St Patrick’s Day Parade. Over 40 girls joined together to celebrate the  occasion. Well, done to all our girls and thanks to the parents for bringing them along. The Con and Anne Kirby Memorial Greyhound stakes commenced at Limerick Greyhound Stadium on Saturday March 23. All the Limerick GAA clubs were allocated a greyhound to represent them in the major competition for greyhounds in Limerick. Old Mill Ladies club were represented by Kyletaun Coco in heat 3 and St Kieran’s by Feshtys Mo in heat 7. St Kieran’s defeated Ballysteen by 1-7 to 1-4 in round 2 of the West Senior Football League at Coolcappa on Saturday March 23.

GAELIC GAMES MEMBERSHIP:  St Kieran’s GAA Club membership  rates for 2024 are, Limerick Development Draw only € 100. Adult social non-playing  member € 40, and plus Limerick draw € 130. Senior adult player including Astro turf levy € 100 and plus Limerick draw € 190. Family membership ( includes one parent/guardian and all children under 18) € 120 plus Limerick Draw € 200. Under 21 and Student membership ( over 18, including Astroturf levy) € 80. Single Juvenile Membership (GAA and Camogie player € 50. The deadline for membership is Sunday March 31.

LOTTERY DRAW: The Ardagh Development Association and Saint Kieran’s GAA joint weekly lottery   draw took place on Monday March 18.The numbers drawn were 9,13,24,28,and  there was  no  winner of the € 17,000 Jackpot. Congratulations  to the five lucky dip winners who received  € 40 each,  Marie O’Connor Commons Ardagh, Micheál Ambrose Dunganville, Mike and Peg O’Connor Glenastar Ardagh, Archie Madigan Ardagh, Róisín Ambrose Ardagh.  Next week’s  Jackpot will be         € 17,100. People can play online using club force on the club’s Facebook page, with 6pm on Monday evening the deadline. The tickets are also on sale at the usual outlets, and all support will be appreciated.  Both organisations wish to thank all the people for their continued support.

RADIO DRAW: Congratulations to Noreen Collins, Newcastle West who won € 270 in the West Limerick 102fm 50/50 draw, held on Friday March 22.The tickets cost € 2, or 3 for € 5 and they are available from volunteers, in local shops, (including Moloneys Carrigkerry,  and from the radio station.  All support will be appreciated. The station can be contacted at 069-66200 if people have news of interest to the West Limerick area.

JOE AHERN WALK: Joe Ahern Glenagore Athea has been walking 100 miles during the month of March to raise funds for the Irish Heart Foundation Mater Hospital Dublin. People wishing to donate to the charity walk are asked to contact Joe on 086-8155614.

CLEAN UP: Team Limerick Clean-Up (TLC)is set to take place across Limerick city and county on Good Friday March 29. The registration is open for the 9th edition of the largest one day clean up in Ireland. All groups or individuals are urged to sign up on www. and help make this year the best ever. The countryside is full of discarded rubbish and a disgrace for visitors or tourists to see.

CLUB DRAW: The Limerick GAA Club draw for 2024 is now open for membership. The Saint Kieran’s club are promoting it, and the first draw will be held on Saturday March 30. The entry fee for the ten draws is € 100, and € 21,000 will be given out in prize money each month. The first prize is € 10,000, 2nd prize € 3,000, 3rd prize € 2,000, 4th prize € 1,000, 5th prize is an exclusive star prize, and 4  prizes of € 500, four prizes € 250, and 17 prizes of € 100. To join contact the local St Kieran’s club members in person, or online through the Club force App with direct options available. The club will receive 50% of all membership received which is vital for the running of it over the year.

MEMORIAL FUNDRAISER: Clounleharde Memorial Committee are holding a fundraising night of music with Athea CCE in Knockdown Arms V94FFV5, on Easter Sunday night March 31, commencing at 9.30pm. The tickets cost € 5 and are available from committee members and at the usual outlets. The first prize is € 300, second prize € 150, third prize € 50. Plenty of spot prizes on the night and all support will be greatly appreciated.

COFFEE MORNING: A Coffee Morning in aid of St Molua’s Parents Council will be held in Ardagh Community Centre on Monday April 1, from 11am to 2pm. All support will be greatly appreciated on the day.

ARDAGH BINGO:  A fundraising bingo evening in aid of Ardagh Community Centre, will be held in the parish hall on Wednesday April 3, at 8pm sharp. The prize fund is € 2,000, and a raffle will be held with lots of prizes on offer. The organisers would be delighted to accept spot prizes for the raffle.

GLENVILLE HOUSE:  The following are the Glenville House and Gardens Ardagh opening hours for 2024: Wednesday April 3, to Wednesday June 12, and Heritage Week  Saturday August 17 to Sunday August 25, inclusive, Tuesday to Saturday from 9-30am to 1-30pm. Admission € 5, Students €3, children and old age pensioners are free.  The house is located a mile from Ardagh on the Kilcolman road and is well worth a visit.

OLD RECTORY: The Old Rectory Ballywilliam Rathkeale is open to the public from May 1 to November 30. The opening hours are on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. It will be open also during Heritage Week from  Saturday August 17 to  Sunday  August 25. The admission is € 8 and additional information by calling 087-8269123






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