A Weekend to Remember
The Con Colbert Memorial weekend was a great success and a source of pride for all Athea people. From the football matches at Páirc na nGael to the concert in the Memorial Hall by the wonderful Black Bank Folk, the talk by Jamie Kelly in the school, the unveiling of the bust and the session at the Top of the Town, all were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended. It was a pleasure to see so many of the extended Colbert family who travelled from far and near for the weekend. Great credit is due to all those who helped in any way to make the occasion so special.
A huge thank you to the people and the businesses of Athea parish who, through their generous donations, are helping to fund the magnificent bust of Con Colbert by sculptor Jarlath Daly.
Should any of our Athea exiles wish to make a donation towards the cost it would be very much appreciated.
Cheques can be made payable to Athea Community Council Ltd and posted to the secretary Domhnall de Barra, Athea Community Council Ltd., Con Colbert Street, Athea, Co. Limerick

Members of the extended Colbert family pictured at the bust.

Paul Curry reading the proclamation at the unveiling on Sunday last

Con Colbert’s, grand nephew, also named Con Colbert, unveiling the bust on Sunday last.

Domhnall de Barra with, seated, Con Colbert, John O’Connell, Timmy Woulfe, Paul Curry, Fr. Brendan Duggan and Fiona Dore Buckley

Members of the army parading to the Con Colbert Hall

Nan Hurley and Mary Collins.

Fr. Brendan Duggan blessing the bust

Members of Athea Community Council who commissioned the bust, Domhnall de Barra, Damien Ahern, Lillian O’Carroll, Mary T. Mulvihill, Seamus Ahern and Theresa Mullane with public representatives Patrick O’Donovan T.D., Michael Collins MCC, Niall Collins T.D., Con Colbert, John Sheahan MCC and Seamus Browne MCC. Also in picture Nan Hurley