Archive for July, 2012

News – 25/7/12

Sarah O’Dea on her Debs night Sarah’s mother is Bridget Scanlon formerly from Glenagragra


The Tidy Towns committee are holding a fundraiser at the Top of the Town on Saturday, September 1st. Lines at €3 each will be on sale at the usual outlets with a 1st prize of €250, 2nd prize €150, 3rd Prize €100.

Your support for this fundraiser would be very welcome to help offset the cost of works being carried out in the village and surrounding areas at present.


West Limerick Resources Ltd


A new service recently launched in Abbeyfeale will offer a weekly social connection to older people living in and around Abbeyfeale, Athea, Templeglantine, Tournafulla, Mountcollins and Monagea/Strand.  Developed by West Limerick Resources, the service is run by trained Volunteers who will ring older people to check in on their well-being and inform them of local events and services.  The service is completely free of charge and people will receive calls once a week.   New subscribers are now being sought.  To avail of the service, phone 068 51888 or 087 118 4160 and leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly



West Limerick Resources is now seeking volunteers to help raise awareness of the switch to digital television which take place on October 24th.  Help is needed to identify older people living alone, those with literacy and other learning difficulties and those with few social networks who may to be aware of the change or who may need basic information on how to make the switch.  The Community Outreach Digital Switchover Programme is heavily reliant on the Irish tradition of caring for our neighbours and we are asking communities to look around and help identify those locally who will need a little assistance and make sure that they get it.  For further information contact Clint at West Limerick Resources on 069 62222



Find the information you are seeking a new information point in Athea community Hall (sports entrance) where you can locate the relevant leaflet/form or search the internet.  An information assistant will support you in your search, if required.  Weekly FAS Jobs Lists and courses for both Limerick and Kerry will also be available.  Initially the office will be open on Monday and Wednesdays from 9.30am-5.30pm and on Fridays from 9.30am-1.30pm.  This is a free and confidential service.



The West Limerick Resources office in Abbeyfeale provides support and services to people (individuals and groups) in Abbeyfeale, Athea, Mountcollins, Tournafulla, Strand, and Monagea. We provide information and support on: employment with support from FAS Job’s Club and the Rural Employment Service;  local training opportunities; general citizen’s information and information on what’s going on in the community. For further information please call us on 068 32444 or call to us at Mountmahon.  Our office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5:30pm. Our services are free and confidential.


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Athea Community Council Ltd. – 25/7/12

Lucky Numbers Draw

21/ 07/ ’12    9, 11, 25, 26.

No Winner

Lucky Dips         

€50      Julia Dunworth, Templeglantine

€30      Margaret O’Connor, Upper Athea

€20      Pa Quinn, Upper Athea

Neddy Hunt, Coole East

Johnny Mullane, Knocknagorna

Jim O’Sullivan, Glasha


 Sellers Prizes:     Brown Joe’s

Dan Griffin

Next Draw:  28/07/’12

Jackpot: €6,400

Venue: J.P.’s


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Kathleens Corner – 25/7/12

by Kathleen Mullane


Bit’s & Bobs


Some say “Double Trouble” -but I’m sure it’s “Double Joy” on this occasion for Áine & Diarmuid O’Riordan of Athea Pharmacy who have been blessed with twins this past week – a little boy they are calling Diarmuid Óg and the little girl is being named Siúin. And no doubt little sister Aibhínn is doubly delighted with her new brother and sister as are the proud grandparents who along with the parents we congratulate.

Sympathy is extended to the Sheehy family of Templeathea on the death last week of Patrick (Barney) after being ill for some time. His remains were removed from Lyons’ Funeral Home to Athea Parish Church and burial followed Requiem Mass the following day. May he rest in peace.

No doubt everyone is looking forward to the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics which will be shown live on RTE 2 this Friday from 8.30 to midnight. With London the hosts it will be extra special – so near our shores, and with a very strong Irish contingent of athletes on their team it would be great to see the Irish flag being hoisted – we wish them all the best.

Just came across these few lines recently “You’ve had a long hard day at home or at work – you’re stressed, tired and not interested in doing much or maybe you’re out of work at the moment, bored, worried, frustrated and running out of options when it comes to paying the bills. Either way there’s something at your disposal which costs nothing, is a natural anti-depressant, lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure and releases feel-good hormones in your brain. This is no “wonder drug” with unpleasant side effects, it’s the simple act of ‘Walking’. Because it’s so simple we underestimate just how effective it can be in maintaining and restoring good health. We are designed to move about! The benefits have surpassed those derived from taking anti-depressants, without any of the side effects. In other words turn off the TV or computer for an hour or two and get outdoors instead – as they say in hail, rain or snow! And what about it if you do get wet – it won’t harm us. It’s great to see many parents with their kids these day doing the ring on their bikes and cyclists have really multiplied in numbers. There’s a great sociability in walking or cycling but also it can be a great time for contemplation”


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