Archive for November, 2014


Jim ‘The Jobber’ O’Connor, Mick McCoy and Ned Ahern trying to strike a bargain at the Fair Day recently

Jim ‘The Jobber’ O’Connor, Mick McCoy and Ned Ahern trying to strike a bargain at the Fair Day recently

Athea & District Credit Union AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Athea & District Credit Union will take place on this Friday night, November 28th in the Credit Union offices at 7.00pm. All are welcome to attend.

Church Gate Collection

There will be a Church gate collection this weekend November 29/30 at all Masses in aid of Self Help.

St. Vincent de Paul

The annual Church gate collection in aid of St. Vincent de Paul will take place on the weekend of December 6th/7th at all Masses. Your support would be very much appreciated.


Takes place on this Saturday, November 29th at the Clubhouse in Pairc na nGael at  9pm. All are welcome

Athea Golf Society AGM

Will take place on Saturday, December 6th at the Top of the Town at 9pm.

Going Strong Christmas Party

This year’s Christmas party will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at the Top of the Town. There will be a hot meal, music by Blue Rhythm, spot prizes etc. for €10 per person. Those wishing to attend are asked to please hand in their names to Rose at Brouder’s shop or to any member of the committee as soon as possible. We would also be very grateful for spot prizes.

Christmas Street Lighting

Athea Community Council Ltd. would like to thank sincerely all those who donated to the Christmas Street Lighting collection at the weekend which amounted to €642.

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Kathleen’s Corner-26/11/14

By Kathleen Mullane

“Thanks to one and All”

 Well, who would have thought that Sunday last would have attracted such a great crowd to the Craft Fair and Sale of Work at the Hall! This fundraiser was the brainchild of Caroline O’Connell, (secretary of our hall committee) who put an amount of work into organising the event along with some dedicated helpers. All the tables were set up and ready to go at 12 noon. The variety and range of crafts etc for sale was unbelievable – from cheeses from Ballyhahill, our own craft group (who incidentally meet up on Wednesdays) who had amazing things made, a great choice of cakes, buns etc, candles, Christmas floral displays and a whole lot more. It was brilliant to see the transition year pupils of Tarbert Comprehensive school, all selling their different wares that they had made themselves as part of their Enterprise/Business section of their year. Teresa O’Halloran was as good as Marty Whelan as she spun the wheel for the sale of work which had some great prizes, very generously sponsored by the people of Athea, Abbeyfeale, Listowel, etc. Of course the highlight of the day for the children was ‘Santa’ in his lovely grotto, put together again by great “helping hands”. In all a brilliant, fun-filled day and an amazing atmosphere with the Athea choir singing Christmas Carols.

Well done to everyone who made the day possible, especially Caroline and each and every person who gave of their time and energy to help out. When everything is finalised we will give you an account of what was made on the day for “your hall”.

Congrats to Anna Scanlon, daughter of Margaret and Tim, who celebrated her 30th birthday along with family and friends recently here in Athea. Everyone enjoyed a great night.

Best wishes are also extended to Yvonne O’Brien, daughter of Joan and Tom, Templeathea, who has become engaged to Christopher Kelly also Templeathea, son of Sue and Kevin. The newly engaged couple reside in England. Congrats to them both.

Santa is making his annual visit on his sleigh to Athea (in aid of the Friends of St. Ita’s) weather permitting. He will be in Athea on Thursday, December 4th from 6.30pm. He will collect your Santa letters and take them back to the North Pole.

Fr. Jerry Roche’s anniversary Mass, having been celebrated last Sunday (along with his two good friends Tommy Barrett and Johnny Collins) had the committee of Fr. Jerry’s bronze bust memorial  meet at the Top of the Town. It was decided on the day to forward the money, that was left over after erecting the bust, to a nun who runs an orphanage and was a friend of Fr. Jerry’s and who will put the money to extremely good use – at the time of writing I don’t have her name.

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Knockdown News-26/11/14

By Peg Prendeville

Our sympathies go to Seán Sheahan, Knockdown on the death of his brother Mikie Sheahan who died this week in the UK from Motor Neuron disease. Mike was home for the Clounleharde School Reunion in 2013 and again this summer but sadly the MD advanced rapidly. Many of his friends in the area had gone to visit him in recent times and I am sure he appreciated their thoughtfulness. Sympathies too to the Cummane family on the death of Mattie Walshe, Askeaton, husband to Mairéad Cummane who pre-deceased him. He will be missed by his family Sinéad, Deirdre and Ciarán and extended family members and friends.

The Console Christmas Celebration of Light commemorates the lives lost through Suicide. This is one of the most important events in Console’s calender, inviting families and friends to come together in solidarity to remember the lives of their friends and loved ones. The Christmas Celebration of Light is an evening of song, music, poetry and reflection. The evening includes the lighting of candles and a minutes silence in the presence of others to remember those who are no longer with us on life’s journey. It will be held next Sunday in St Augustine’s Church in Limerick at 4pm.

Some of you may remember that my grandchild Lucy was born, 21 months ago now, with Spinabifida. Lucy, a beautiful girl with a mischievous smile, has no power in her legs. Two months ago she started intensive physio in First Steps, just outside Patrickswell, and I am delighted to say that since she started she can sit up straight, roll over and this week did her first crawl/creep along the floor to fetch a toy. The reason I am writing about her is to confirm that we should never give up hope no matter what the obstacles are. There is always something new or some new development which can change things. We do not know if Lucy will ever walk but she is determined to try and endures very physical exercises to strengthen her muscles. Where there’s a will there’s a way! I have the privilege of taking Lucy to her physio every Monday morning and am proud of her progress. She inspires us all and is a very happy child.

I am looking forward to the staging of the play ‘ Its the Real McCoy” by Athea Drama Group, which will be going on stage in January 22nd, 24th, 25th, 29th, 31st and February 1st

I admire their commitment and energy.

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