Jim ‘The Jobber’ O’Connor, Mick McCoy and Ned Ahern trying to strike a bargain at the Fair Day recently
Athea & District Credit Union AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Athea & District Credit Union will take place on this Friday night, November 28th in the Credit Union offices at 7.00pm. All are welcome to attend.
Church Gate Collection
There will be a Church gate collection this weekend November 29/30 at all Masses in aid of Self Help.
St. Vincent de Paul
The annual Church gate collection in aid of St. Vincent de Paul will take place on the weekend of December 6th/7th at all Masses. Your support would be very much appreciated.
Takes place on this Saturday, November 29th at the Clubhouse in Pairc na nGael at 9pm. All are welcome
Athea Golf Society AGM
Will take place on Saturday, December 6th at the Top of the Town at 9pm.
Going Strong Christmas Party
This year’s Christmas party will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at the Top of the Town. There will be a hot meal, music by Blue Rhythm, spot prizes etc. for €10 per person. Those wishing to attend are asked to please hand in their names to Rose at Brouder’s shop or to any member of the committee as soon as possible. We would also be very grateful for spot prizes.
Christmas Street Lighting
Athea Community Council Ltd. would like to thank sincerely all those who donated to the Christmas Street Lighting collection at the weekend which amounted to €642.