Well, our summer was great while it lasted. Let us hope that maybe we might get some more soon. Lots of work got done in the past week thus helping to lift the cloud of despair which was threatening everybody.
It was good to see Declan Geaney and his lovely wife Laura home to visit his family and friends in Toureendonnell. Declan now lives in South Korea. His sister Mairéad was also home from Holland.
The excitement is mounting at the prospect of the Clounleharde School reunion in Knockdown on June 29. Mary Collins in Athea and Michael Dillane, Listowel thought it would never come in their lifetime and cannot wait! The event will begin with an open air Mass celebrated by Fr Mikie O’Connor; this will be in the dressing room stand followed by a cold buffet for 160 people in the marquee which will be erected in the car park opposite the shop. After the meal we will adjourn across the road to the Knockdown Arms for drinks, music, song, story, chat until the early hours. A little newsletter is being put together with some photographs and memories of our days at school. There are only two snags so far; if the evening is fine we will be ate by the midges and if it is raining we will be wet! So what do we pray for most? We hope for a good night of reminiscing and renewing old friendships – and maybe settling a few scores, you never know. Whichever way it goes we will enjoy it.
I attended the Vigil for Life in Dublin last Saturday on a very hot day. There was anything from 30 to 40,000 people present even though the papers barely mentioned it.
We wish all those students who are sitting the Junior and Leaving Cert exams the very best over these few weeks.
Knockdown Vintage day is booked for July 14th which could cause some consternation for some as the Munster final with Limerick playing is scheduled for the same day. Decisions, decisions….
Killeaney Lotto results of Sunday June 9.
Numbers drawn: 2,11,19,26. No winner.
€80: Ita Mullane, Knockdown
€30: Nora Wallace, Glenbawn
€20: Declan Looney, Ballyhahill
€20: Mouse/Maggie, Bárr na Sráide
€20: Jack O’Grady & Mike collins
House Draw; Noreen madigan
5 free tickets: Pat, Patricia Quinn, Athea
5 free tickets: Joe Harrison, Knockdown
Promoter’s prize: Jim Geaney
New jackpot: €9200 in Wallace’s next Sunday night.