by Kathleen Mullane


Well I’m sure everyone like myself will be glad to see the end of April, more especially all who are weather dependant from farmers to nurseries selling plants, to tourist towns, hotels, activity centres, to those waiting to cut their turf, to potato and vegetable suppliers and many more, but thankfully the temperatures are due to rise this week. We keep the fingers crossed. Wednesday being May 1st means Tuesday is May Eve, a day long ago, or maybe not that long ago when everyone, especially farmers, were out with the Holy Water sprinkling it all over the cow houses and land to keep the piseogs away. One wonders was their truth in the old stories although I remember my Mother telling us stories she had heard from her mother about strange happenings on the farms in those days and we were in awe at the tales. Actually a good number of people visited the Blessed Well in Templeathea on Saturday last which is the Special Day for Visitation being the last Saturday in April to pray for special intentions.

This weekend sees the collection being taken up for the Athea Community Games at the church gate so your support for the youth would be appreciated.

This Saturday night sees the Annual WEBCAM collection at Mass, and I must say its such a brilliant service agreed by everyone, parishioners and those away from home who can join in on Mass, funerals, weddings and a lot more your support would be appreciated.

Yesterday on my walk I found 3 cans within feet of each other all with the R symbol on them which could be returned to any of the return banks, instead its easier to throw them out on the road and cause more litter. Do some not realise they can get a refund and also keep our roads Litter Free.

If you were watching RTE 1 on Saturday night last THE SONGS OF IRELAND with Pat Shortt and other musicians and singers travelled around beauty spots which were beautiful ,and one realises we are living in such a lovely part of the World  with some fab scenery we should appreciate it.

This Wednesday night sees the second last Bible Scripture reading taking place at the Library from 7.30 -8.30 this week Sean O Mochain will speak on The Epistles  all are welcome.

Its that time of the year that I hear many saying they must do a wardrobe clear out and put the winter clothes in the background and pull out the summer clothes. The Vincent De Paul shops in nearby Abbeyfeale and Newcastle are grateful of any donations clothes, books etc. and you never know you can find these shops a treasure trove often as we have found out many times .


Asking for HELP is a sign of STRENGTH