Caoimhe Ahern, Liz Scanlon, Jerry Brouder & Domhnall de Barra at the
Comhaltas session in Ballyhahill last Saturday night.

“All God’s Creatures got a place in the Choir”

The Pastoral area of Naomh Ide-(Parishes of Abbeyfeale, Athea, Templeglantine Tournafulla, Mountcollins) Invites all parishioners to join in a nature walk on Monday May 6th.  gathering at Halla Inse Bhán, Templeglantine at 3pm. The walk will go towards Tullig Wood where we will listen to a talk given by Micheal Long of Cabragh Wetlands who is a Kiltegan Priest. Cabragh Wetlands is situated in the old Thurles Sugar Factory grounds.  It is one of Irelands last natural wetlands registered in 1993. Fr Micheal has a vast knowledge of working with nature and encourages visitors to the area to take care of our common home. People may wish to walk from other areas along the Greenway and join the group for the talk at 3.30pm at the wood closest to Templeglantine area (next to the children’s fairy village). All are welcome to attend and a special invitation is extended to those who have come to live in our communities.

Set Dancing for Beginners

Timmy Woulfe is starting a set dancing class for beginners at the Library on Monday, April 6th at 8pm.

This is an opportunity to learn a few dances and have great fun at the same time. It is also great exercise and a chance to make new friends.

For further information contact 087 9451247.

Weekly Card Game

Commencing April 30th at Athea GAA Clubhouse, and continuing on Tuesday evenings from 8pm – 10.30pm. All welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Limerick Run for Fun & Great Limerick Run

Paddy O’Sullivan and family are currently in training in preparation for the Limerick Run for Fun & Great Limerick Run in aid of the Munster Wheelchair Hurling Camogie Club on Sunday May 5th. Donations are kindly being accepted via Revolut @donnavyzm or by contacting Donna on 087 7408378.

Best of luck to the O’Sullivans!

The Collins family Maura, Julianne,Tom, Maggie and baby Theo
who made the trip from Athea to attend the Milltown horse fair on Sunday.
Photo Moss Joe Browne.

The Way I See It

By Domhnall de Barra

I remember, when at school, it was drummed into us that a lie is always sinful, yet it is probably the worst transgression that most of us commit. If we are looking for the worst transgressors we need look no further than politicians. It seems to be part of their stock in trade to tell the people exactly what they want to hear even if the message delivered has little to do with what is true. Governments regularly lie to their people, as in how Putin’s Russia controls the media outlets in the country to distort what is really happening. The same can be said of many nations like China who are afraid to let their people know the truth. Most of the communist world is guilty of the same tactics but let us not forget that democracies like America are guilty of the same  distortions of the truth. A prime example is Donald Trump who has continued to spread blatant lies about the results of the last election. I think a new low was reached when one of his followers was confronted with facts that disputed his claims only to state; “we have alternative facts”. That statement is so ridiculous, facts are facts and cannot be “alternative” but enough people actually believe that it can be true. There are also the likes of Fox News, a TV station  that will broadcast items favourable to Trump knowing that they cannot possibly be true. Is a lie ever ok?  We have heard of “white lies”  which are supposed to be less harmful but isn’t it true that we all lie?  If you disagree think of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. They are lies but wouldn’t the world be a far poorer place if we burst our children’s bubbles and told them the truth. A lie might be acceptable if it was the lesser of two evils, for example; some thuggish looking people call to your door looking for a member of your family who is in a room upstairs. I think it would be ok to say that person is not at home to avoid putting them in danger. It may also be acceptable to tell a little fib to protect somebody else but, in general, it is best to be upfront.  Some people are  pathological liars and cannot help avoiding the truth for no particular reason. Unfortunately they sometime do great harm to innocent people. The same can be said of people who start false rumours so telling lies is not really, on the whole, a good thing so please, please, can our leaders treat us with a modicum of respect and tell us the truth. We can take it.

It is hard to believe that one can get accustomed to hearing bad news but that is what has happened to us. When Russia first invaded Ukraine we were all aghast and there was an outpouring of sympathy for the people who were left homeless and had to flee  their country to stay alive. We welcomed them with open arms and organised many events to raise money for them, even inviting them into our homes. The war has escalated today but, even though bombs continue to fall on cities in Ukraine, there is very little about it in the papers and the welcome for refugees has worn thin. We are no longer shocked by outrageous events since the invasion of Gaza by the Israeli forces. It is as if we have become immune to it. What is happening cannot be condoned by any right thinking person, whole cities flattened and thousands of innocent civilians murdered yet the world looks on and by their inaction gives passive approval to the slaughter. Remember most of the bombs dropped are given to the Israelis by America and the UK.  I don’t know how they can sleep at night knowing that they are funding war crimes. For years they turned a blind eye while the Israelis took more and more of the Palestinian land to create new settlements. What did they think would happen?  Did they not think that these actions would create a reaction. If, for instance. It was Scotland declaring independence and, bit by bit, taking parts of English cities, would they stand idly by? I don’t think so but when the Americans continue to say they stand four square behind Israel it makes you wonder. There are people in America who do not condone what is happening and it is uplifting to see the protests by university students all over the States. It is also revealing to see how the authorities are dealing with it. Hundreds of students are being arrested daily in a bid to put an end to the protests. So much for free speech and the right to protest. The Jewish people have been very badly treated in the past and they deserve to have their own homeland but so do the people of Palestine so the sooner the world leaders get together and create two states that can live side by side, without foreign interference, the better.  In the meantime horrors are still occurring all over the world and more and more people are looking for asylum. This is creating problems for Ireland because the numbers  are so high that there is no place to house them anymore. It is not right that somebody fleeing a war zone should be given a sleeping bag and told to fend for themselves. In trying to find sites , the government iscoming up against obstacles around the country. The latest events in Newtownmountkennedy show how complicated things have become. Locals say thy were mounting a peaceful protest but when workers were being  protected while trying to do their jobs, a group attacked them and the Gardaí. Garda cars were damaged with weapons and a hatchet was recovered at the scene. Now, what type of “peaceful” protestor brings a hatchet with them? It is obvious that there are far right activists who are just waiting for protests like these to cause trouble for the Gardaí. They should not, and must not, succeed. A new approach has to be found by those in power or there will be more divisions in our society and Ireland of the welcomes will be a thing of the past.

Athea Community Council

 Lucky Numbers Draw  29/04/2024

No’s Drawn: 7,  24,  26,  31.   No Winner

Lucky Dips

Kieran Griffin,                  Athea

Tom Mahony,                   Gale View

Anne Marie Matthews,     Athea

Ned Hanlon, Templeathea

Sellers Prize: Agatha Barrett & Collins’ Shop

 Next Draw:  06/05/’24 Venue:  Batt’s Bar

 Jackpot €20,600