by Peg Prendeville

In spite of the miserable weather last Sunday a huge crowd turned out for the Patrick Langan Memorial Vintage Day. As usual there was a great atmosphere, tons of food, loads of prizes as well as all the tractors and cars. No doubt there will be lots of photos and reports in the local papers. Well done, once again, to the small, but totally dedicated, committee for all the hard work put into the preparation.

I attended the play in Athea last Saturday night and was very impressed with the acting. There were great laughs and a few interesting twists in the play “Turning Mammy”. Very enjoyable.

It is all systems go for the Abha Bhán Players as they put last minute touches to the set for their play which is totally different in content but has many laughs also. The group recently purchased and installed permanent stage lights in the Hall which will be there for future events and productions. These make this great facility in our parish even more precious. Tickets are selling fast for the four performances of A TOMB WITH A VIEW on April 5, 6, 12 & 13, so if you have not already booked your ticket do so now on

086-8458821 or 069 82106 ( business hours)

Cash only. No card.

I was talking to George Langan during the week and wish to bring your attention to his website

Here you will find a fascinating index to all things connected to Athea. George has spent years writing down dates and important events and he has them all catalogued in alphabetical order. If you want an interesting way to pass a rainy day then this is what you need. He tells me he has boxes of stuff to be recorded yet. A very interesting project.

In the midst of all the drama Easter has crept up on top of us. I wish you all a lovely weekend. Let’s hope

the sun finds its way through these awful clouds of rain. Will the land ever dry again?