by Kathleen Mullane


Well let’s hope everyone has had a very happy St Patrick’s Day at this stage, whether one attended the parades or has been to the Athea Drama for a night of drama or just gone away for the Bank Holiday weekend, let’s hope you all had a nice time .

This Wednesday 20th sees the boys and girls of Athea N.S  being confirmed by Bishop Brendan Leahy. Hopefully they along with their families will have a lovely celebration and that the day will be nice and dry for them as they take another Step towards their adult Life.

This past week has seen many racing enthusiasts heading to Cheltenham for the Races there, hopefully they won’t come back with empty pockets and that they have had a few Irish winners to go with it. Another destination in recent years is Lanzarote where so many Irish now travel to during the Cheltenham Race Week and for St Patrick’s Day, one would think they were walking through West Limerick with the amount of familiar faces one meets up with .The World nowadays is a very small place, not like long ago when going as far as Dublin seemed like an arduous journey.

The Bible Readings at the Library continue for another 2 nights March 20th and 27th. so you are still welcome to join in from 7.30–8.30 with Pat Higgins and Sean O Mochain all are welcome.

With not a whole pile of news this week I came across these few lines called -SNOOZE TIME—

Do you have a special time that’s just for you alone,

A time to leave the World outside and make the day

                                                       Your own.

It could be in the Afternoon when you can take a snooze,

A cat nap or just 40 winks, whatever you may choose.

So close your eyes and drift away for just a little while 

And when you wake you’re sure to find that Life can wear a Smile.

Final celebrations for the gallant Tarbert Comprehensive Team that were All-Ireland Winners against Down recently  took place at the School last Monday where a stage was erected over the weekend. The team were led by a piper from The Bridewell along with the team mentors etc as well as the Tarbert N.S pupils. The road to the school was lined with crowds of people and students and teachers.  In all it was an exciting get together where there was music, banter and continued celebrations and of course a half day for the students, again well done to them all for bringing honours to their school and their various clubs.