by Kathleen Mullane


Isn’t it wonderful to see the stretch in the evening despite the very wet weather we are experiencing these days and tonight Monday we are in for strong winds and more rain, but sure the way to look at it is, we are facing longer and brighter days ahead ,and what’s happening in the world we have little to complain about and so much to be thankful for.

Congratulations are extended this week to Helen Smith of Colbert St ,who celebrated her 80th birthday last weekend along with her friends at The Listowel Arms  where they all had a very enjoyable day, Here’s to many more years of Health and Happiness for Helen.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to Teady Woulfe, School Road, Athea and his Family  along with the family relatives and friends of Kit Cahill who has gone to her Eternal Reward in England. I remember Kit being involved in all things Irish many years ago when groups travelled over to England from Athea for the Athea Reunions which were great. Her funeral arrangements will be made at a later date .

May the light of Heaven be Hers.

Didn’t Carol O Connor-Liston speak so positively about her Motor-Neurone on Tuesday morning last on Ireland A.M. It’s brilliant to see her fund-raising going so well and so many people getting involved in various things to help out the family, from Dart Games and Football matches to Fun Days and a whole lot more. Here’s to Carol’s amazing positivity and outlook on Life.

Well this Saturday sees the Big Day for Tarbert Comprehensive School when their team plays the All-Ireland Final against Down as they travel the long journey to Carlow for a 2oclock kick off.  There are flags galore flying outside the school and signs around the town wishing them all the best. Hopefully they will do it against stiff opposition. We wish Good Luck to the Athea players; Callum Buckley, Evan Curry and James Broderick and Stephen Kearney who is Timmy and Nancy Woulfe’s Grandson.

Not long to go now to the Athea Drama groups presentation which should be very entertaining I’m sure as always . A lot of work goes into doing a live performance from lines to be learned, stage preparation and so much more but there’s nothing like a Live Performance. I went to see Big Maggie in St John’s in Listowel on Saturday night and it was so entertaining. Here’s to Live Drama.

Bible reading continues every Wednesday night in the Library here in Athea with Pat Higgins and Sean O Mochain at 7.30-8.30.  All are welcome for what is a very interesting hour followed by a cuppa.


Why Not Learn to Enjoy the Little Things in Life There Are So MANY of Them.