by Kathleen Mullane


It’s beginning to feel a lot like Xmas as the saying goes and it only seems a short time ago that we were repeating these same words. Anyway we can’t hold back the clock ,and can I start by wishing each and everyone a truly Happy and Peaceful Christmas. And we must not forget that its not all about giving presents at this time of year, its much better to give of one’s time. We must not forget those who have lost a loved one this year ,and families who may have worries or anxiety around this time of the year.  Don’t forget to pay a visit to someone who may have no one to talk to or give them a phone call, it means a lot. And can you believe this Thursday is the shortest day of the year. From now on there will be a stretch in the days ahead no doubt looked forward to by one and all. And the Daffodils are already peeping up which so early is very unusual .

A great crowd attended the lighting of the 3rd Paschal Candle in the church grounds on Sunday evening last and, despite the rain, it was a lovely gathering. Santa came along too much to the delight of the kids present. There was the usual Mulled Wine —non alcoholic— sweets and of course the carol singing with the added accordion playing from Fr Willie Russell which went down a treat, accompanied by Margaret Carroll and her group, Well done to all.

Congrats to both Clodagh Scanlon and James Broderick, both of Templeathea, who celebrated their 18th birthdays on Saturday last at Brown Joe’s  along with family and friends all having an enjoyable time.

Sincere sympathy is extended to Birdie Collins of Knocknagorna on the death of her sister Peig Murphy  in Newcastlewest last week. She was laid to rest following Requiem Mass there. May the light of heaven be hers.

Sympathy also to the family of Mary O Gorman, formerly McCoy of Templeathea , and to her brother Mike in Manchester on Mary’s passing last week also in Newcastlewest .Go Ndeana Dia Trocaire le na hAnam.

News of Nora Lynch’s death in Glasha at the wonderful age of 103, the oldest in Athea Parish, reached us this morning having passed away peacefully at her home. Funeral arrangements  to be announced at time of writing these  notes . May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Well a great crowd came along to O’Riordans Pharmacy here in Athea on Friday evening last ,to wish long time employee Nora White a very Happy Retirement having served the Athea Community and beyond  for many years. There was refreshments provided by Diarmuid and Áine  and a lovely retirement cake which Nora cut followed by a speech from Nora thanking everyone, especially her employers and staff over the years. A very special man sent her a video wishing her the very best, no other than the man himself Daniel O Donnell  who Nora adores and a little birdie told us she has photos of him beside her bed, Anyway Nora is wished all the best and I’m sure she will be missed by everyone who she came in contact with and helped over the years.

Great news on JP McManus generosity to all the sporting clubs. We must realise that sport is so good especially for our youth and it gives them something to concentrate on and get up for, it will be a great bonus for clubs .

     A very Happy Xmas to everyone and a Great New Year full of Happiness  good Health and Peace .