by Peg Prendeville

Sympathies to Gerard Collins, formerly of Knockdown, on the death of his brother James (Heck) Collins, Lower Purt, Abbeyfeale last weekend. James had been unwell for a while. May he rest in peace.

A great crowd attended the Craft Fair in Ballyhahill last Sunday. It was lovely to view all the arts and crafts by our own people and appreciate the talent among us. Lovely also to catch up with friends and neighbours. Thanks to the Parish Hall Committee for organising it.

After the awful scenes in Dublin last Thursday it was a relief and a joy on Friday night to cuddle up with family and enjoy the Late Late Toy Show which was one of the best, in my opinion. I think Patrick Kielty proved he was up for the job. He treated all children the same, disability obvious or not, which was nice.

I give you another little poem


Feeding the birds

While eating breakfast each morning

It is my great delight

To watch the birds doing the same

As they pick with all their might.

Their table is outside my window

On which I place some nuts

Immediately they flutter in

And start to fill their guts.


They can be quite competitive

And push each other aside

Like squabbling children, they want to be

The first to grab a bite.

It is like a busy airport

With planes lining up to land

These little birds come swooping in

Their breakfast to demand.


They get their bite and then fly off

To a nearby tree

But as soon as the nut is swallowed

They are back again, I see.

They are a lively family

And bring colour to my day.

As they dine with me each morning

From their little window tray.


November 2023