by Kathleen Mullane


These days we hear many saying that they feel the nights so long and dark  now that we have Winter time with us .Well why not get along to the GAA track on Thursday night from 7–8 pm or indeed any time that suits you and your family. For the next 6 weeks we will have STEP TO THE BEAT at the track with music to keep all stepping it out at ones own pace so, bring on friends and family members and you can enjoy the atmosphere, the music and see the great improvements that have been made again recently as regards parking etc. The darkness will pass quickly when you are having fun and note you are never too old to Step it Out.

The A.G.M of the Community Hall took place on Thursday night last with Michael Dooley giving an account of the Halls finances etc. Trish Ahern gave the Chairman’s address and despite the Hall having attained a number of grants over the past 12 months the running costs, as I’m sure everyone is aware are high, insurance, heating, ongoing maintenance etc. It is hoped in the near future to install Wi-Fi and CCTV lighting . The Sports Hall is always busy which is great to see. The Hall is such a great asset to our community and beyond and is available for birthday parties, family get-togethers or indeed any excercise classes and a whole lot more as all these help to offset the running costs of this great facility. So all groups are welcome with prices available from Sharon which are most competitive.

Despite the wet day on Saturday last for the Fair Day, there was the usual banter and stalls etc in and around the village. I must say well done to the Athea Craft Group who meet every Wednesday morning in the Hall and who had their beautiful hand -made goods displayed  in the Library, which attracted many on the day, such great talent. Well done to each and every one of them .

A reminder of the Tarbert Comp 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner in The Listowel Arms  on December 2nd, which should be a fantastic night with  a drinks reception, 5 course meal and dancing to Heart and Soul,  a night for past pupils teachers etc to reminisce about years gone by. Tickets sold on a first come  basis on 068-36105 or on www.Tarbert comprehensive .ie .Tables of 10-12 also available on request.

Some on T V. are saying Xmas decorations are going up far too early. Others say early gives everyone joy and hope . Others say after December 8th  the big shopping day in years gone by is more than early enough. I suppose it’s up to everyone individual or family. All I know is that it seems only like a a few weeks ago that I put mine away and now its nearly time to bring it out again .They say tempus fugit -or time flies and I couldn’t agree more .


Don’t hate yourself for who you aren’t—

Start loving yourself for