by Kathleen Mullane
Well I’m sure everyone both at home and abroad was shocked at the scenes on the streets of Dublin last week .It was so awful firstly to hear of the attack on the young children and their minder from the Creche and then as crowds filled the streets that evening causing complete mayhem with thugs wielding knives, knuckle dusters, iron bars etc out of their minds. What has gone wrong .In past years everyone respected the Gardai and their fellow men and women. Now its bedlam and so sad to see buses and squad cars being burned out. Looting of course was the order of the day but did they steal working boots from the shops —not at all, just designer sneakers and clothes, maybe they didn’t know what working boots were. Maybe if they were broke off their dole and made repay the damage they caused it might teach them a lesson. And arm the Gardai with tayzers and batons but God forbid if you laid a hand on any of these precious young people. There was a case in a country recently of a person who just tipped off a security guard by mistake and he got 9 months in jail for it, no free legal aid there. Enough of my rant, but like America, if they haven’t found work in 6 months they are broke off their social welfare. Food for thought.
The Annual Vincent De Paul Xmas Appeal takes place here in Athea this Saturday from 9–5pm,outside Colllins Shop. As always we ask for your help as all money raised goes back into the community helping those who really need a helping hand, especially this year. The collection in Glin will be held on Friday 1st also from 9–5 pm .
Don’t forget if you haven’t already given in your name for the Going Strong Xmas Party you can do so by contacting any of the following —-
Mairead Langan—087-6407026 or
Eibhlish Geoghegan 087–9065042
Peggy Casey 087–9416223 or give me a shout and I can pass on details. A great day is assured with Mass at 12-followed by Xmas Dinner, dancing, a raffle and Afternoon Tea . All are welcome.
Milford Hospice will hold their Annual Church Gate collection this Sunday morning before Mass. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated.
This Sunday sees the Sacristans collection being taken up at the 11 am Mass. I’m sure everyone realises that an amount of work goes into keeping all in order in our church., from the paperwork to the flower displays, to organising readers, Eucharistic Ministers and a whole lot more. So I’m sure Siobhan and Teresa would appreciate your kindness, as they do trojan work. New envelopes are presently being given out to parishioners for the year ahead.
Sympathy goes to Breda Mullane and her family in Lower Athea, on the passing of her mother Mai Carr in UHK this week. Mai was in her 90s. She will be laid to rest following requiem Mass on Wednesday in Ahavoher cemetry Moyvane .
May she Rest In Peace.
Better a good dinner than a fine coat