by Peg Prendeville

Well the Ploughing and the Races are over so there is a lull for a while. Lisa Daly enjoyed her three days at the Enterprise Tent at the Ploughing but admitted it was hard work and had great admiration for all the work that goes into putting the show together every year. The bad weather made it a very mucky occasion this year with lots of cars having to be pulled out every evening.

With the way the weather is going one has to decide if its summer wear or winter wear to use each day. It changes overnight.

I am glad to hear that the Keep fit classes are back in Athea every Tuesday morning at 11.30. I have attended as many as I could last season and they are always good fun as well as good exercise so I hope to keep it up.  Ring 087 9459971 for more details if interested.

The creative genes are bubbling in my family once again and I look forward to my sister Gerardine’s new book of poetry titled “Celtic Visions” which will be on sale online shortly. Keeping it in the family the cover design is by my other sister Bridie Murphy. Not everybody loves poetry but for those who do a new book is always exciting.

The 2023 Éigse Michael Hartnett Literary & Arts Festival returns to Newcastle West from Thursday, October 5 to Sunday, October 8. The four-day festival will include poets, writers, musicians, singers, and artists with a packed programme of events.

Mass times in the Parish are changing. From October 1st Mass will be in Ballyhahill at 9.30 each Sunday. No Mass in Loughill.