By Jer Kennelly
MOYVANE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Pick Up After Your Dog: Please ensure that you clean up after your dogs while out walking. KWD County Wide Clean Up: Clean-up is planned for May 22-30 & the event this year must be held in compliance with current government Public Health advice. Therefore no groups are allowed. Clean ups must be limited to family groups/pods only. As in previous years for clean ups we would encourage volunteers to target their own areas/roads over the coming months, not just the dates above. Most important to note, hand washing and sanitizing should take place before and after clean ups & volunteers should use their own gloves and litter pickers. MDA has registered with KWD for additional litter pickers, bags etc. These items will be available from Ursula or any of the committee.
SCHOOL Play area; Please follow the link below and help us get our Astro Turf Play Area in Knockanure. This would be a fantastic outdoor facility for the children and we would really appreciate your support.…/knockanure-national-school…
GORTAGLANNA: we remember Jerry Lyons, Patrick Dalton and Paddy Walsh who were killed by members of the RIC and Tan forces at Gortaglanna on the 12th May 1921, and also Con Dee who was wounded but escaped. Our 5th and 6th class students have been very busy researching the atrocity and have put together a short production for you to watch. They are accompanied by 3rd and 4th class for the famous ballad ‘The Valley of Knockanure’. See Facebook for more.
ANNIVERSARIES: Jerry McCarthy, Tim Kennelly, Joseph Kiely, Patrick Shanahan, Noranne McCarthy, Mary Stack, John P McGrath, Canon Pat Horgan, Fr. Billy O’Carroll, Mossie Fitzgerald, Ava Maria Hegarty, Fr. Vincent Kavanagh, Pat Enright, Sr. Lelia Sheahan, Eileen McCarthy, Sr. Laboure Sheehy, Michael Kennelly, Alf Neville, Mass Moyvane; Sat 15th at 7.30pm for David Foley, Kilbaha (Anni) & deceased of the Foley & O’Connor families; Sun 16th at 11.00am for Anne Prendiville, Carrueragh (1st Anni); Mon 17th at 7.30pm for Mike Dore, Woodgrove (Anni); Tues 18th at 7.30pm for Maura O’Connor, Aughrim (Anni); Wed 19th at 7.30pm for Irene Dempsey, Dublin (1st Anni); Thurs 20th at 7.30pm for Paddy Moriarty, Ardfert (RIP); Fri 21st at 7.30pm for Sr. Bridget Windle, l/o Upper Aughrim (Rec Dec); Sat 22nd at 7.30pm for Angela Kearney, The Village (Months Mind), and Mass on Sun 23rd at 11.00am for Bridie Cambell, Aughrim & UK (Anni).
Mass in Knockanure on Sun 16th at 9.30am for Noreen & Pat Sweeney, Knockanure (Anni), and mass on Sun 23rd at 9.30am for Mary O’Carroll, Knockanure at the request of Knockanure Community Centre & Tidy Towns.
BOOK: The War of Independence and the Ballads of Atrocity in The Valley of Knockanure
In this new publication to mark the centenary of the War of Independence in North Kerry, Gabriel Fitzmaurice has drawn together the threads of traditional lore and balladry with the steel-wire of factual evidence to explain the origins of the ballad ‘The Valley of Knockanure’ by the internationally acclaimed writer, Bryan MacMahon, who had been commissioned to do so in 1946 by Pádraig Ó Ceallacháin, a noteworthy activist in the cause for Irish Independence. Other variants of the song are also provided with insightful commentary. The book is accompanied by a CD and is signed by the author.
TOASTMASTERS in Listowel will meet again on the fourth Thursday of the month, more on Facebook.
STUDENTS from the Kerry College of Further Education in Tralee and Listowel have produced an online photographic exhibition will have original and cover music.
JOB: CE Scheme are currently recruiting the following positions; GAA groundskeeper, Tarbert; Tidy towns assistant, Tarbert; Heritage and coffee shop assistant, Tarbert Bridewell; GAA groundskeeper, Asdee; Tidy towns assistant,, Asdee; Tidy towns assistant, Ballylongford. These are CE scheme roles and CE rates and eligibility apply. To check your eligibility or to find out more contact Jackie Kissane 0863266991 or email [email protected] No experience necessary. Full training will be provided.
LIBRARIES: In accordance with recent Government announcements, public libraries nationally will reopened for business on Monday, May 10th 2021. Public computers, daily newspapers, study spaces and research facilities will not be available.
VACCINE: If the vaccine was effective why are people who are fully vaccinated forced to quarantine in hotels on arrival from abroad. For months, the U.S. blocked exports of crucial raw materials India needed to manufacture vaccines, and stockpiled 20 million Astra-Zeneca shots even though the FDA had not authorized their use.
Whitethorn is now in full bloom, beautiful scent from flowers, growth in plants of all types, is retarded due to cool weather. Many farmers are getting scarce in grass supply. Flowering cherry is past its flowers, but apple trees are still flowering.
STORY: Kerry Writers’ Museum is delighted to host a Bealtaine Hero event entitled ‘Collecting Local Wisdoms through Story’ during the month of May. In this storytelling project, participants will be taken on a trip down memory lane led by our Storyteller in Residence Maria Gillen. A professional storyteller, Maria is an expert in elder care (FETAC Trainer in Eldercare, experience in reminiscence therapy). Participants will recount stories of yesteryear. Following each session Maria will weave and deliver an original story based on the harvested collective wisdoms of participants. On completion of the 3-week programme, we will host a feedback session to ascertain if we met the needs of our audience.
ROSARY: Fr. Kevin will pray the Rosary this Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm on the Radio 99.9fm. The Church will be open if anyone would like to come and pray. Fr. Kevin and a small group said the Rosary at Gortaglanna, memorial, on Wednesday last.