by Jer Kennelly

CHURCHES open from 10am to 5pm daily, and Mass on you tube on Sundays at


daily Masses from Moyvane Church – side door open – Mass can be heard over the tannoy system.

MURHUR N.S. FIRST HOLY COMMUNICANTS; we  acknowledge and appreciate the children from Murhur N.S. who should have made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 23rd. Fr. Kevin says,  My sincere thanks to the school and in particular to class teacher Deborah O’Flaherty and Principal Maria O’Regan and the entire staff for their help in honouring the children.

ROADWORK UPDATE: The Kilpadogue Knockanure Underground Cable Project site is reopening for works. Cable pulling will recommence between the Ahavoher Graveyard and Bambury’s cross on Monday the 25th of May, these works will be complete under a single lane closure using a STOP/GO or a traffic light traffic management system.  For further info contact Pádraig on 086/6072159.

DEATH on May 20, 2020, of Fr. Billy O’Carroll, St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, and formerly of Tralee, Ogoja Diocese (Nigeria), Buchlyvie (Scotland) and Grenada (West Indies)

ANNIVERSARIES: Dolores Connolly, Maureen O’Sullivan, Fiona Moore, Netta Flaherty, Sr. Mary Buckley, Dick Fitzgerald, Mary Flavin, Mary O’Donoghue, Tom Lynch, Esther Byrne, Bridie Histon. Mass on Sat 23rd at 7.30pm for John Carmody, Ahalahana & dec of the Carmody family; Sun  24th  10.00am Michael Andrew Beasley O’Flaherty, Ballybunion and 11.00am mass for Mary Rose Kennelly, Norah Kennelly Kelly & Lorrane Kennelly, Gortdromagouna; Mon 25th at 7.30pm  for Michael Quealy, Ballincollig (1st Anni); Tues 26th at 7.30pm for Ned Costello. Mass on Wed 27th  at 7.30pm for All those who have died from C19 in Ireland and their families. Mass on Thurs 28th at  7.30pm for Margaret & Michael Flynn, Knockanure & deceased of the Flynn & McMahon families;

Fri  29th at 7.30pm for Micheál Mulvihill, Gurtdromosillihy; Sat 30th at 7.30pm for  James Duggan, Murhur and Mass on Sun 31st at 10.00am for Rubi McMahon, Washington DC & Nancy, Jack & Josie

McMahon, Lisaniskea, and 11.00am Mass for Parishioners.

CE SCHEME workers are back again on outdoor work. Many in the bogs would welcome some help at this time. School could easily go back on a phased basis, we would learn now on how to cope in the autumn. At present schooling is the only method of climbing the social ladder.

HAPPY Birthday to, Seán Foley, Ashgrove and Josie Clancy, Knockanure.

TRÓCAIRE NEED YOUR HELP: There will be a basket outside Moyvane Church before and after Masses from Sunday 24th to Sunday 31st. Or post to Trócaire’s office at Maynooth, Co. Kildare.

Online at

CORRECT TITLE, Fr. Kevin says; I think that is a bit unfortunate that my venture of having the Masses in the porch of Moyvane Church with cars in the car park facing that door has been labelled ‘Drive-thru’ Masses.  The correct title should be ‘Mass from the Porch’.  I have been utterly amazed by the response from parishioners who join me for the Rosary at 7.15pm and stay for Mass at 7.30pm and prayerfully join with me from their cars.  It has been a great uplift to me and many have said it has been uplifting for them as well.  Newsletters will be available on Friday in both Churches and also from Holly’s and Noel’s.  They are also available outside the front door of the Presbytery (weather permitting).   Churches open from 10am to 5pm daily.

NOVENA: Sacred Heart Church, Limerick, they will have the Novena to the Holy Ghost in preparation for the Feast of Pentecost, which falls on Sunday 31st May this year, see internet site.

GLIN to WUHAN: For the last 8 years Glin Knights Cycling Club has held an Annual Sportive to raise money for various Charities and organisations raising over €90,000. Unfortunately our 2020 sportive has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

However we still intend to raise funds this summer as all of our members and friends are going to joining up to compete in a 9,000km challenge. The planned weekend is the 20th and 21st of June. This is the distance from Glin to Wuhan. There is no limit to the Km’s anyone can do, so some may do 20km and others may do 300km (of course weather dependant). We hope to have 60 to 70 cyclists taking part from their homes and all of the time abiding by the guidelines set out by the HSE. We will list out km covered at the end and hopefully we’ll hit our target or even break it.

OPENING, big libraries in June. Newspaper archives and other service have been suspended for some time, there is always a way to open by applying some thought and ingenuity to a situation.

COVID-19 HELPLINE in Kerry to help people accessing non-emergency and non-medical services. Freephone 1800 807 009 between 8am and 8pm or text SUPPORT followed by your NAME to 50555. Requests can also be e-mailed to [email protected].

EVENTS: This time of year we would be looking forward to Writers Week at the end of the month, Listowel Races at beginning of June,  Bike Fest in Killarney, Limerick Fleadh in Athea at end of May and the Kerry County Fleadh on 19th June.  Virtual Tipp Fleadh 2020, In the absence of what would have been the Tipperary County Fleadh in Cashel, our four youth officers Martin Coffey, Máirín McGrath, Kate Darcy & Darragh Carey Kennedy wanted to mark the occasion. In just over 24 hours, 66 musicians, 15 dancers and 1 singer from all over the county shared their talents from their homes, see facebook.   We have some consolation in on line events including, writing about our experience during lock down and send them to Limerick Museum at  caroline@limerickcivictrust

Knockanure Moyvane in 1970s

MASS ON TELEVISON –on the channel R.T.E. News Now at 10.30am each morning.

DANGER; The biggest danger in the countryside, is that people are on their own and if any emergency arises, it could be the end of them. Social distancing is turning the countryside into a lonely place. The privacy laws appear more important, than warning people, of nearby infection.

WEATHER was wonderful since we were put under house arrest, what sunshine we have missed and it was all green, as most year’s people travelled abroad for the sun. Lovely rainbows and some heavy soft showers last weekend. Most of the first cut silage is harvested and the fields fertilised again, the thundery showers contained a high amount of nitrogen also. Early cut turf is fit to draw home.

ENERGY: Last year, the top prize for Energy Team of the Year went to NUI Galway for its ambition to be one of the greenest universities in the world. As part of its strategy, it created a green campus charter, encouraging and providing tools to students and staff on how they can reduce energy use on campus and in their homes. Already at 36% energy reduction, NUIG continues to work towards their ambitious target of a 40% energy reduction by 2020.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has launched its annual SEAI Energy Awards, and is calling on climate action champions to showcase their achievements. Now in their 17th year, the SEAI Energy Awards recognise and reward excellence in sustainable energy in business, community, research, buildings, renewables and the public sector. To enter see the awards homepage.

LOCAL STORIES: Know your 5K is a new initiative from the Heritage Council and National Museum of Ireland. What people see in the vicinity of their own locality. Share insights about the hidden heritage found in peoples own homes, more information about Know Your 5K at

VOLUNTEERING: Comhlámh May Updates

Hello again. A whole month has passed since we were last in touch. We hope you’re doing okay out there. We’re doing okay here, continuing on in the midst of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and keeping in mind all those working in health, care, supports and services.

Comhlámh We are holding our Annual General Meeting online, on the 28th May, and this will be open to all members, including anyone joining before then.  You can find details how to do that at the bottom of the newsletter. Or if you have any issue at all, just email [email protected]

George Langan

FAMINE DAY: National Famine Commemoration Day 2020, scheduled for  in Buncrana, Co. Donegal but due to current Covid 19 circumstances, the ceremony was held at the Edward Delaney Famine Sculpture in St. Stephen’s Green. The coverage nationally and internationally on RTE News Now on

Read more ; Quakers in Kerry During the Famine by Kay Caball, Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society, Series 2, Vol., 18, 2018.

Articles Featured:

REEK SUNDAY: Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam has announced the cancellation of this year’s Reek Sunday pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick on account of Covid-19 health concerns. Archbishop Neary will celebrate the vigil Mass in Westport on Saturday 25 July at 6:30pm for the intentions of all who intended to make the pilgrimage. Prayer intentions can be emailed at any time to [email protected] or by post to Westport Parish, Co Mayo. This Mass will be live-streamed on the parish Facebook page ‘St Marys Church Westport’

REFLECTION: Our media are depending on government advertising, as most businesses, are unable to spend any money. Israeli inventors have created a face mask for the coronavirus age that will allow wearers to eat food without removing it.

Synagogues and churches have reopened in northern Italy, where they had been shut down since that area went into lockdown.

Here are just ten quotes from eight saints, of the thousands that could be offered. The quotes are arranged roughly in order of increasing cheerfulness. For more insights from the saints and others,

In 1988 a bunch of students from St Michael’s College, Listowel interviewed Francis Jones from pirate radio station Rocky 103 in advance of the publication of the Radio and Television Act.

PAPERS:   San Francisco Call- 20 February 1898

O’CONNOR— In this city, February 17, 1898, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rev. Cornelius O’Connor of Ukiah, Cal., brother of Sister Mary Teresa of Sacramento and Thomas C, J. C. and Michael E. O’Connor, a native of Knockanure, County Kerry, Ireland, aged 50 years. (The funeral will take place to-morrow (Monday), at 9:15 o’clock, from the residence of his brother, J. C. O’Connor, 1062 Fulton street, thence to St. Mary’s Cathedral, O’Farrell street and Van Nees avenue, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o’clock. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery.——-en–20–561–txt-txIN-%22County+Kerry%22——-1

Sacramento Union- 28 March 1907

RICE—In this city, March 26, 1907, Julia, wife of the late Peter Rice; grandmother of Mrs. Madge Williams of San Francisco, a native of County Kerry, Ireland, aged 78 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’clock, from their late residence, 230 M street, thence to St. Stephen’s church, where funeral services will be held, commencing at 2:30 o’clock. I Interment St. Joseph cemetery.——-en–20–201–txt-txIN-%22County+Kerry%22——-1

My maternal great grandfather Daniel Doody, was born in Brosna, Kerry in 1863. He emigrated to USA in 1882 and made his way to Illinois. He married Johanna Keane (Annie Kane) and had three daughters. The family then returned to Ireland in 1899. My grandfather and six more children were born in Ireland. He is seen in this photo with his wife Johanna and son Timothy.

Healdsburg Enterprise, Volume XLII, Number 24, 25 August 1917

The “Cork Convent.”

A striking curiosity near Cintra, Portugal, is an ancient convent built partially in the interior of an Immense rock. The convent is situated in a very isolated spot and was formerly surrounded by a dense wood of cork trees. The convent is known as the Convento da Cortica, or “Cork convent,” for the reason that the monks’ cells, chapel, kitchen and refectory are all lined with cork to keep out the damp. From 1560 to 1834 the convent was inhabited by an order of monks known as the Capuchins, a remarkable feature of their discipline being that, except on certain occasions, silence was obligatory. Since 1834, when the monasteries and convents of Portugal were dissolved, the convent has not been occupied, though it is open to the public, a caretaker residing there for this purpose.—Wide World.



TITLE: Application by O’Halloran for situation of employment

SCOPE & CONTENT: Petition of James O’Halloran, Banna, near Tralee, County Kerry, to Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, Dublin Castle, requesting appointment to post of employment under Government on grounds of providing evidence in crown prosecution and other personal losses connected with opposition to local outlaws: refers to involvement in apprehension of Timothy Mulvihill, who was convicted of murder of Charles McCarthy in 1816, and complains of being ‘very severely & dangerously wounded in the head’ by local banditti: mentions also attacks on his dwelling and destruction of furnishings, plus cost of supporting a military party at his house for three months; also alludes to murder of James Wall and family ‘their bodies consumed in the burning ruins of his dwelling house’.

EXTENT: 1 item; 4pp

DATE(S): 29 Mar 1822



TITLE:    Letter from Rev J Mahony, Listowel, [County Kerry], seeking clarity on the powers of his board of health to prevent individuals from infected areas from taking up temporary residence in their district.

SCOPE & CONTENT: Letter from Rev J Mahony, rector and member of the Board of Health for Listowel, Listowel, [County Kerry], to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary], seeking clarity on whether the board can prevent individuals from infected areas from taking up temporary residence in their district; also legal opinion of Richard W Greene noting that boards do not have such authority. Also damp press copy of reply from Gosset, Dublin Castle.

EXTENT: 2 items; 4pp-DATE(S): 2 Jul 1832.