By Peg Prendeville

There was great disappointment all round when Limerick lost by one point at the weekend but some team had to lose while another team rejoiced. Such is life I’m afraid. Our day will come again.

Meanwhile down in Waterford all this week there is great excitement at the Renault GAA World Games when teams from all the continents will have a chance to show their skill. Our own Seanie Cummane, Knockdown but now living in Korea, is Manager of the Asian games and is back in his native country with his wife for the occasion. Eighty-four teams will compete across the week with eight trophies up for grabs across hurling, camogie and men’s and ladies’ football. The finals will be hosted in Croke Park on Friday.  We wish them all the best of luck.

All tickets for the play about the Cailín Bán were sold out within hours in Glin  last week. It seems to be an event of great interest to many. The added attraction, of course, being the presence of Dominic West in the cast. Rehearsals are well under way for the occasion.

Dromcollogher Respite and Care Centre will hold the annual Vintage Rally and Harvest Fair on this Sunday August 4th. It will be a fun-filled family day with funds going towards the Respite Centre. Many people have benefited from this Care Centre and all support will be greatly appreciated as many upgrades are needed for the centre which was founded in 2002.