By Peg Prendeville
I am back from a lovely week in Dubrovnik in Croatia. It is a most beautiful place with lots of coastal scenery and rocky mountains stretching for miles. I love to hear of the history and culture of places I go to and was not disappointed. It was very interesting to learn of how they live and how much they were affected by the Balkan war in 1991 to 1995. Their main industry is tourism and without that they would be in a bad place. Of course their main boast this year was coming 2nd in the World cup which they hope to win next time round. We enjoyed our holiday very much.
Mass will be offered on this Friday evening at 7 o’clock in Athea church in memory of Denny Falahee who died on August 14, brother to Bridie Ahern, Templeathea and a dear first cousin of my own. He is greatly missed.
A public meeting has been arranged for the Parish Hall, Ballyhahill, to discuss the Owvane (White) River and the wider catchment area. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 1st November 2018 at 7.30pm and will last approximately 1 hour. The meeting will include an overview of why the Owvane (White) River was selected as Priority Area for Action. There will be representatives of the Local Authority Waters Programme, Teagasc and co-ops in attendance. This meeting is for all interested in their local water bodies, including local residents from throughout the catchment, community reps, tidy towns, anglers, land owners/farmers, etc. There’ll be a Questions & Answers session and an opportunity for informal discussion for all during tea and coffee after the meeting. All are encouraged to attend and all are welcome.
Killeaney AFC will hold its annual social in the Knockdown Arms on Saturday November 3rd. The Killeaney Club honoured two of its members at the weekend. Jim Prendeville retired as Caretaker after 13 years and is happy to hand over to Johnny Sheehy whom Mike Cummane described as a twin of Jim’s in his ability and passion for maintaining the grounds and stands. Jim was presented with a token of appreciation while the club also marked the retirement of Mike Cummane from his work in Social Welfare. Both Jim and Mike thank the club for honouring them and appreciate the gesture very much. We could not leave such an occasion go without a poem.
Killeaney honours Mike and Jim
Tonight we celebrate two men
Who’ve done much for the club
Now that they’ve come to pension age
They are smiling in the pub.
For years they both have spent their time
In honest work and labour
But now it’s time for them to rest
And a relaxing time to savour.
Killeaney club is grateful
And owes much to these two men
For their support down through the years
Whether with shovel or with pen.
Mike has been the secretary
And the driving force always
Applying for grants to get work done
And deserves the highest praise.
Jim took on the caretaking
And kept the grounds in order
And when he had some time to spare
He planted flowers around the border.
As Mike retires from Social Welfare
Where he has worked for years
And Jim hands over to Johnny Sheehy
They may shed some happy tears.
But I doubt that we’ve seen the last of them
They are bound to leave a trace
Of their handiwork where e’er they go
In making the world a better place.