Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all Readers

Athea United managers and committee members who completed the FAI Safeguarding 1 course at The Vales last Friday evening, March 9th. The course was run by Barry McGann, FAI Football Development Officer for Co. Limerick.

Dan Hanrahan R.I.P.

By Domhnall de Barra

It came as a great shock to the people of Athea when the news that Dan Hanrahan of Dirreen had died broke a couple of weeks ago. The tragic circumstances of his passing at a relatively young age made it all the more poignant. I had known Dan all my life, being roughly the same age, but I didn’t get to really know him personally until I took the job of supervisor on the first FAS scheme sponsored by Athea Community Council. We were lucky that Dan was on that scheme because there was a lot of skilled work to be done around the village. We started with the roadside garden where Dan laid all the stones for the path, built the wall at the car park and the steps into the graveyard and laid the slabs, in the shape of the parish, depicting the giants journey to bury his mother. From there we moved to the Hall and again Dan’s skill is in evidence in all the surrounding walls. The work continued throughout the village with the wall at Markievicz Park, the piers at the front of the old church and school and  outside Brownie’s. What a mark he has left on his native place.

Dan wasn’t just a stone mason, he was an artist with stone and the best I have ever seen. His pride in his work was obvious and if it wasn’t perfect it would be re-done. I had a keen interest in the  work as all my grandfather’s people were masons and I have dabbled a bit myself so I had many a good discussion with Dan on the subject. A quiet man, Dan never said too much but when he did it was well worth listening to. In all the time I knew him, I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. He was contented getting on with the job and leaving the gossip to other people. He didn’t really care too much about money and never charged the kind of money his trade entitled him to; in fact the only problem I had with him was trying to get him to cash a few cheques before they had  become out of date and had to be re-issued !

Most of us go through life and eventually pass away and, after a while, are forgotten but Dan Hanrahan has left his mark on Athea, a mark that will be visible forever. I have no doubt that  his work will be honoured by some kind of memorial in the not too distant future. Nobody deserves it more. He is missed by his family. friends and all who knew him. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Church Concert

A fundraising Concert will take place this coming Sunday, March 18th in Athea Church starting at 7pm. Featuring a host of local talent with some guest appearances, this should be a very uplifting event for our parish. The monies raised will go towards sending invalids and youth helpers to Lourdes this June. Admission is just €5 and donations would also be welcome.

Church Gate Collection

The annual Church gate collection for Crumlin Children’s Hospital will take place on Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th March. Your support would be much appreciated.  

Bodhrán Lessons

Bodhrán lessons will start on Saturday, March 24th at 3.30pm in the Top of the Town and will run for 5-6 weeks.

Also the new 6 week term for the singing classes will resume in the Library on this Thursday evening March 15th at 6.30pm.

Parachute Jump

Michael Ahern from Garrygloss is doing a parachute jump on March 24th in aid of the children’s ambulance “Bumbleance”. Sponsorship cards are in the shops and pubs. Your support would be appreciated.

Athea Tidy Towns Fundraising Fashion Show 

Dedicated followers of fashion will be in for a real treat later this month as the Athea Tidy Towns Group hosts their annual fundraising fashion show to aid of  vital improvement works in the village. A highlight of the social calendar in Athea in previous years, this year’s show has been set for Wednesday, March 28th at 8pm, with the Con Colbert Hall once again providing the perfect setting for the event.

Featuring all local models, the show itself will showcase the latest trends (Men’s, Women’s and Children’s ) from all the top boutiques from West Limerick and North Kerry, and will be preceded by a cheese and wine reception. Judges will also be on the lookout for the best dressed lady on the night, with some lovely prizes up for grabs.

Featuring on the catwalk will be; JK Sports Listowel, Taelane Listowel, Blossom Listowel, Glamourous Listowel, Earls & Pearls Adare, East 73rd Ballybunion, Scanlon’s Newcastle West, Brides of Glin, Esther’s Abbeyfeale, Marielles Abbeyfeale, Little Rascals Abbeyfeale, Mairead’s Shoes Abbeyfeale and Heavenly Gifts, Abbeyfeale.

Tickets €10 are now on sale at Brouder’s Shop, and Collins’ Shop Athea or by phoning 087-9848247

Knockdown Vintage Club & Estuary Macra

Fundraising Raffle in aid of local causes 

1st. Prize: 2 nights B&B in Lough Rynn Castle

Estate & Gardens, Mohill, Co. Leitrim.

2nd. Prize: €100 Voucher for Gleneagle Hotel Killarney.

3rd. Prize: Monster Hamper and numerous other prizes.

Draw will take place in The Knockdown Arms on Sunday, 25th March at 6pm after the Vintage Car & Vintage/Modern Tractor Run.

All runs will include a stop at Glin Castle.

Music by Variations (4-6pm)

Tickets €2 each or 3 for €5.

Contact: P. Langan 087-2452695    

Dave Noonan 087-2500938

Proceeds in Aid Of:

Mid West Cancer Foundation,

Loughill/Ballyhahill Going Strong Club,

Glin Men’s Shed

Athea Community Art Group