By Peg Prendeville
Another month has passed and we are into August. Hopefully the current wet spell will pass and we will have more sunshine before Autumn shows its colours.
Congratulations to both Glin and Athea who have received €10,000 from the Outdoor Recreational Scheme, Limerick City and County Council. Glin will use it on the Knight’s Walk and I believe Athea will develop the riverside area. Well done to both towns for their unwavering ambition to improve their native places. It is great to see such energetic people always looking out for more ideas to develop. Glin Castle will be open to the public on this Sunday from 12 to 6pm. €10 admission fee. All welcome.
Well done to Carrigkerry too for their Turfcutting festival last weekend which, no doubt, was a great success. We will have to bring back the carnivals which used to be so popular in the 60’s and early 70’s with the different villages and towns taking turns with the marquee and dancing. It was good fun while it lasted.
Sometimes people go to the trouble to thank me for my contributions to Athea Notes and sometimes I am asked to include more poetry so as it is holiday time I offer one I wrote recently.
Grandchildren Sleeping over
They arrive in all excited with their pyjamas and their toys
And suddenly my quiet home explodes with all the noise
With each one seeking favour as they pick where they will sleep
And I realise I’m in a hole which is big and wide and deep.
Seven happy children running through each room
Exploring all the corners like a sweeping broom
“Nana, I am hungry. Can I have a snack in bed?”
“Oh no, you can’t” I answer as I hold my aching head.
So I line them at the table. “What would ye like to eat?”
“Cornflakes! Bread! Some pizza! and maybe something sweet?”
As soon as they are satisfied we sort out where they’ll lie
“I want to be beside my brother. If I’m not I’ll cry.”
“I’m not lying next to Clodagh as she snores most of the night.”
“And I’m not sleeping next to Ríain cos we will only fight.”
We say a prayer for those we love in this world and the next
And a story then is called for before I get too vexed.
Eventually they’re settled with blankets on the floor
“And leave the light on Nana and please don’t close the door”.
With anxious breath I leave them and hope I’ve time for tea
But just when I am resting there is a great melee.
They are swinging off the curtains and dancing in the bed
But gave a show of innocence when I stuck in my head.
At last they fell into a sleep until the dawn appeared
When they awoke still full of life; it was just as I feared!
But in spite of all the noise and chaos I will do it all again
They provide such funny moments; they’re my sunshine in the rain.
Bridie Murphy, Glenastar put pen to paper last week after the Sale of Work/ Car Boot Sale in Carrigkerry. All proceeds were going to fund a defibrillator.
Nana King’s Spotted Dick
It was late when I got there, so there wasn’t much left…
I was rushing all morning and was feeling quite stressed.
I looked round the table to see what I’d pick
It was then I clapped eyes on Nana King’s spotted dick
It must have been hidden or else t’would be gone
Anything THAT precious wouldn’t be there too long
I rummaged in pockets to get my change quick
Before anyone noticed Nana King’s spotted dick
Someone was calling me, I turned to see
A man holding something was looking at me
“There is just one more piece here” he said. “Take it quick”
“Everyone loves Nana King’s spotted dick”
I’m back home again now and the kettle’s just boiled
This evening my husband is going to be spoiled
He’ll eat every crumb and his fingers he’ll lick
He can never resist Nana King’s spotted dick!
Bridie Murphy