By Kathleen Mullane
‘Out & About’
Birthday wishes are sent this week to Nancy Woulfe of Gortnagross, who celebrated her 80th birthday along with her family at The Listowel Arms Hotel recently. Wishing her many more years of health and happiness.
Micheál Ambrose, Lower Dirreen along with Liam McAuliffe of Lower Athea had a joint 18th birthday celebration at home in Lower Dirreen along with their family and friends and then on to Ballybunion on Tuesday night last where all had an enjoyable time. Best wishes to them both.
Thanks is extended to all those who gave so willingly to the church gate collection in aid of the Colbert Community Hall at the weekend. The total collected was €902. And we remind everyone that the hall belongs to ‘You’ the Athea community and you all should be proud to be part of it. It has so many uses from all the sports played in the sports hall to the Friday bingo nights, to the yearly Drama productions to those who use it for parties and for post-funeral meals and so much more, dancing classes, Athea N.S. activities etc. All bookings help to keep the hall going so it’s a brilliant asset to the Athea community. And the collection money will once again be used for hall improvements.
Envelopes are available in the church for the sacristan’s collection on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd July. Anne and Carol do great work each day in the church and should be fully supported for their unending work and commitment.
Athea is looking “Blooming” these day to say the least with the hanging baskets all over the street giving a great touch of colour. The Tidy Towns group work endlessly to make our little village a lovely place to live in and be proud of. So let’s keep it that way and if you come across a few weeds or a can or bottle or rubbish thrown around, you might pick it up, thereby helping to give Athea some ‘extra points’ at the time of judging.
Sometimes we don’t give our youth enough credit and maybe try to ‘label them all with the one brush’, saying they don’t talk anymore and are obsessed with their mobiles and would not salute you. Well I saluted a little boy the other day as he came down the street on his bike – he’s no more than 11 or 12 and of course I said ‘hello’ to him and I was so pleasantly surprised when he said “Hello Kathleen, how are you” – thank God for some nice young people and ‘manners’. Well done Cillian – a little gentleman!