By Peg Prendeville

March comes in  like a lion and out like a lamb we learned at school. Well the lion is roaring so we hope to see the lamb coming in before the month is over. It has been very bitter and wet and once again the country is sodden with rain.

Sympathies are extended to the Breen and Lenihan families on the death, on March 4th,  of Mary Lenihan, nee Breen Ballygoughlin, Glin and formerly of Kinard, Glin. May she rest in peace.

Ballyhahill/Loughill ICA will hold its meeting on this Wednesday March 8th at 8.15 pm. As this is International women’s Day the theme of the competition is Bread and Roses. International Women’s Day (8th March) originated from the trade union movement in America in the early 20th century, particularly in the activism of the women who worked in the clothing industry “sweatshops” of the time. In 1907 the women held a “Hunger March” in New York in protest at the dangerous working conditions and very long working periods, and calling for a ten-hour working day and improved wages. The police attacked the march, and the following year on March 8th 1908 a commemorative march was held, which became a milestone in women’s history. This date is what we now celebrate as International Women’s day, and by 1911 it had become international. International Women’s Day (IWD) is a time for women around the world to commemorate their struggles and celebrate their achievements.  The United Nations formally proclaimed March 8 International Women’s Day in 1975. Their courage inspired the song “Bread and Roses” which has become associated with International Women’s Day.   Bread symbolizes economic justice and roses represent quality of life.

Bread and Roses
As we go marching marching in the beauty of the day
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lots gray
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses
For the people hear us singing:  bread & roses, bread & roses!
As we go marching, marching, we battle too for men
For they are women’s children & we mother them again
(For men can ne’er be free til our slavery’s at an end)
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes
Hearts starve as well as bodies, give us bread but give us roses
As we go marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying thru our singing their ancient call for bread
Small art & love & beauty their drudging spirits knew
Yes it is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too
As we go marching, marching, we bring the greater days
The rising of the women means the rising of the race
No more the drudge & idler, ten that toil where one reposes
But a sharing of life’s glories – bread & roses, bread & roses!

(James Oppenheim)



New 8-Week Course for Beginners 

Cloverfield Daycare Centre, Glin

Starting Monday 27th March 6.30-8.00pm

Learn how to slow down and enter the present moment. Benefits include detaching from compulsive thinking, improved concentration skills, better sleep and the clarity of a relaxed mind resulting in increasing appreciation of life. In a supportive atmosphere explore a variety of techniques including guided meditations, awareness-raising exercises, gentle physical exercises, breathwork and the power of sound.

Ali Burnard is a qualified Gestalt Psychotherapist and  experienced Group Facilitator who has been practicing mindfulness techniques for over 35 years.

Phone Ali on 087 6452227 to secure your place

 as group size limited to 9. Cost – €100