By Kathleen Mullane
‘Out & About’
Sincere congrats and good wishes are extended to Anne-Marie and Maurice Horgan (the Garage, Athea) who were blessed with their new baby last week, a little boy they are naming David Edward. His little sister Nancy is delighted with her new baby brother. Delighted all is well with mother and baby.
Sincere thanks to everyone who so kindly gave to our hall collection at the weekend. A total of €740.28 was collected. And as always this will be put to good use as maintenance is ongoing all the time. And thankfully the Bingo is a great support to the hall as is all those who rent it our for their various games etc. and we wish to remind people that the hall is available for all kinds of parties etc and with a fully fitted kitchen where you can bring or prepare your own food, it’s a great asset for everyone both young and old, so please support it.
The official launch of the forthcoming “Lip-Sync” will be on December 8th a the Top of the Town. After the last big fundraiser at Tralee Dog Track this is another ‘major’ fundraiser to reduce the debt on the fabulous new pitch and walking/running track. Tickets will be on sale at Christmas for the event and you are advised to buy early a they will go like “hot buns”. It’s going to be a great night in February with lots of surprise acts! Tickets are a great Christmas present also to give family and friends
Sympathy is extended to Nancy Langan of Glenagragra and Mary Barrett of Dirreen on the recent death of their sister Josie Leane in Duagh recently. ‘May the light of heaven be hers.
You are reminded that the annual St. Vincent de Paul collection will take place before all masses this weekend. Your support as always would be greatly appreciated as the money collected will be put to good use at Christmas time and to the needy throughout the year.
Well the ‘Countdown’ is now definitely on to Christmas, now that we have reached December and I don’t know about you, but it only seems like a few weeks ago that we put away the Christmas decorations. We had such good weather in October it made the time fly. And now we are only 3 weeks away from the shortest day of the year again. We are constantly wishing our lives away!
Thought for the Week: “We turn not older with the years, but newer every day”