By Peg Prendeville
There was great excitement in the Knockdown Arms last Sunday night when Jim Lynch was presented with his cheque for €26,200 from the Killeaney Lotto win. A sing-song ensued to celebrate the success. The Lotto now stands at €3,100 which is still a lovely sum to win so keep supporting please.
Ta has been busy lately replacing the floor of the decking outside the pub and decorating it with plants.
Ballyhahill National School is organising a clothing collection this week. If you have any unwanted clean clothes, shoes, bags, belts, bed linen, curtains etc. (of any quality), please drop then to the school (9:15am – 3:00pm) before this Friday 30th Sept. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Ballyhahill PRE-SCHOOL & AFTER SCHOOLS is now up & running. Four places remain in pre school and also reduced rates for After Schools which is also offered to children from all schools. Contact Sharon on 087 4587601.
Well done to both Athea and Glin on getting improved marks in the recent Tidy Towns competition. Both villages are looking great. In Ballyhahill the new Development committee is putting a plan together to promote pride in the village and hopefully people will become involved and help out when and where they can. It is important for all communities to work together and take pride in their achievements.