By Kathleen Mullane

Good Wishes

Congrats and good wishes are extended to Michele Collins (daughter of Hannah Mai and Jim Collins, The Nursery, Upper Athea) who, on Thursday last, was married here in Athea toSimon Parkinson of Melbourne. The couple had made the long trip to Ireland to get married. The bride had her four sisters as bridesmaids – Áine, Donna, Carol and Jackie, Jason Parkinson, Gearóid Collins & Thomas Begley were best men. The nuptial ceremony was performed by Fr. Sean O’Sheehy. Everyone had a great day at Ballyseedy Castle Hotel. Wishing the newlyweds a safe return trip to Australia.

Sincere congrats to Carol O’Connor and her husband Liam on the birth of their new baby boy they are naming Liam Óg, a little brother for Ellie-Mai and Molly. Congrats also to the proud grandparents here in Athea, Haulie and Catherine Liston.

A reminder that the annual coffee morning in aid of Milford Hospice will take place here in the hall this Thursday, September 15th from about 9.30am onwards. Your support, as always,  would be greatly appreciated. I’m sure we all know someone affected by Cancer. You can give a little donation to help and at the same time enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and of course the lovely cakes.

Sincere sympathy is extended to Tom and Seán Hassett on the recent death of their mother Nora of Lower Road, Athea. Many came to pay their last respects at Kelly’s funeral parlour on Thursday evening last. Requiem mass on Friday was followed by burial to Holy Cross cemetery. Sympathy also to her brothers Billy and Stephen and sisters Joan and Molly. ‘May the light of heaven be hers’.

Well the church was full on Saturday evening last for the Celebratory Thanksgiving mass celebrated by Fr. Bowen prior to his forthcoming departure. The present altar servers along with some of last years servers surrounded the altar. The choir sang beautifully. The Athea N.S children brought up the gifts and did the prayers of the faithful. Pat Higgins thanked Fr. Bowen on behalf of the parishioners for his time, help and input into the parish over his time here in Athea. It was down to the hall then where Colleen and Matt had the tea and goodies for everyone including the children and adults. A presentation was made to Fr. Bowen who thanked all present for their attendance. John Joe Tierney had the music going and dancing and a few songs were the order of the night. Fr. Bowen is wished all the very best as he “eases up” and enjoys a bit more deserving free time.

Mass for Seán O’Sullivan (brother of Connie and  Patie), who died recently in the USA, will be celebrated this Friday night at 7.30pm here in Athea.