Remembering Con Colbert
By now everybody is aware that 100 years ago Irish men gave their lives to free our country from the oppression of the British who had tried to keep us down for over 700 years. Many attempts had been made throughout the generations without success and the pages of history are filled with the gallant deeds of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. In 1916 it was no different. Superior British forces quelled the rising and who knows what would have happened if they had not decided to teach the republicans a lesson by executing the leaders. Instead of ending the conflict it galvanised them into action with increased support from the Irish people who were abhorred by the savage actions of the crown forces. On Sunday last, May the 8th, it was fitting that, 100 years to the day, the death of one of those martyrs, our own Con Colbert, was commemorated in a ceremony in St. Bartholomew’s Church in Athea. It was a dignified, moving ceremony with an input from many people in the parish, from one of the oldest, John O’Connell who lit the candle, to the three young boys from Athea national school who read out the proclamation, not the original one but one the pupils of the school had composed. It was a very well structured document that sought fairness and equality for all the nation and it was beautifully delivered by the three boys. Johnny Mullane read a poem by a poet from Dirreen called Jer Histon about both Con Colbert and another Athea man, Paddy Dalton who also lost his life in the fight against the Black and Tans. Theresa O’Halloran read a piece by Padraig Pierce’s mother about the sacrifice of her two sons and Mike Hayes read the last letter written by Con Colbert to his sister on the night before he was executed. Prayers were read by a number of people from the parish and Fr. Bowen gave a very down to earth talk about some things he would like to change. He is to be complimented on organising the ceremony. John Moran did a great job as MC, pulling the whole thing together. The choir were in great voice and enriched the occasion with very suitable pieces ending with “Faith of our Fathers” I had the privilege of playing the slow air “Róisín Dubh” which was used as the music for “Mise Éire” that great film on Ireland by the late Seán Ó Ríada. Refreshments were served in the hall afterwards and all agreed it was a very fitting tribute.
There are many reminders of Con Colbert in Athea. The main street is named after him and the Hall, built by the parish in the 1970s stands at the entrance to the village for all to see. It was a very big undertaking at the time but the committee worked tirelessly to achieve their aim of a permanent memorial to Con that would be used for the good of the people of the parish. A few months ago Aide Colbert Lennon, his great-niece, unveiled a plaque in the Hall grounds at a ceremony that was organised by West Limerick Republican Monument Committee.
Athea Community Council now have plans to erect a life size bronze bust to commemorate the centenary of the rising and Con’s execution. Tenders have been sought and though the cost is high, we feel it is worth doing and we are confident that the people of Athea won’t be found wanting when we look for financial help. It is important that we are seen to be doing something special during this year for a son of Athea whose sacrifice ensured that we have the freedom we enjoy today. It will be there for the generations to come and keep his memory alive. We will have more news on this in the very near future and we look forward to another celebration in the village when the bust is finally unveiled. In the meantime well done to Fr. Bowen and all involved in last Sunday’s ceremony.
Domhnall de Barra
Athea Community Games
Athea Community Games are having their annual athletics on Sunday next, May15th at The Vales soccer field at 2pm. Running and novelty races also. Everyone is welcome for this family day out.
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí éireann
Church gate collection this weekend, 14th/15th May. Your support would be much appreciated
Language Camp
A Language Camp will be taking place in Scoil Naomh Iosaf school in Rathkeale during the summer. French and German Language Camps for both Junior and Senior Cycle Secondary students.
Contact Eileen 086-8714337/0877804200
Community Crisis Response Team Voluntary Suicide Intervention Patrol Team
In the middle of the night when many are asleep ‘Community Crisis Response Team’ are taking calls and travelling to those in suicidal distress throughout West Limerick. Through a crisis phone line open 7 nights a week from 5pm -6am the volunteers take calls from those in suicidal distress or from concerned family and friends.
Once it has been established that a person is at risk of taking their own lives the team dispatch 2 trained volunteers to the site of that person. Trained in ASIST the team then talk the person down from the situation, ensure the persons safety for now & dismantle any plans in place.
The team not only appeal to those in distress to make contact with them but also to concerned family, friends or passers by if they fear for a persons safety.
The Crisis line number is
085 1777631
Regular updates can be found on the teams facebook page