By Kathleen Mullane
‘Out & About’
This coming Saturday, May 21st is a very special day for the girls and boys of 2nd class in Athea N.S. when they will be making their 1st Holy Communion. Their very special mass will take place at 11am. Everyone is welcome and hopefully it will be a nice day for the occasion.
On Thursday, May 26th the AGM of the Athea Colbert Community Hall will take place at 8pm in the hall kitchen. Everyone is welcome to come along and air their views and maybe give us an insight into what they might like to see going on in the hall. As we all know it’s a huge asset to Athea and beyond and the hall belongs to all the “Athea Community”.
What a brilliant day everyone had on Sunday last at “The Vales”, Athea Utd soccer pitch, where the annual Community Games took place (the GAA pitch is still not ready for use). The glorious day brought families out in their huge numbers. The races were run off very quickly and with all “the helping hands” there were no hitches at all. The ‘Novelty’ races added some good laughs to the day out. The mother’s race was won by Tina Collins (Mulvihill) with Lisa Hunt in a close 2nd and Michelle Curry in 3rd place. Neilus Hunt came in 1st in the father’s race, unfortunately with the ‘stampede’ of men running at a ferocious speed I couldn’t get 2nd and 3rd places – it was like the Grand National!. Well done to all the organizers and committee who did Trojan work. All the kids got treats after – in all a brilliant day. Best of luck to all those who now go forward to the finals in Mungret.
Sincere sympathy to Biddens Liston on the death of her brother Tom last week. Many paid their last respects at Kelly’s Funeral Parlour. He was laid to rest after Requiem Mass. ‘May the light of heaven be his’.
The wedding took place recently of Seán Brouder (son of Bridie and Jerry, Templeathea) to Bríd Hayes, Ballyhahill (daughter of Helen and Johnny). Raymond, Sean’s brother, was best man and Micheál Sheehy and Thomas Mahony were groomsmen. The chief bridesmaid was Maireád Stanley and 2 friends of the bride. The couple were married in Ballyhahill and the reception was held at The Woodlands. Sincere congrats and good wishes to the newly weds.
Congrats go to Canon Kelly who reached the great age of “91” years last week – indeed a milestone in his life!.
If anyone out there has the words of the poem (monologue) about the Irish emigrant who was away for years from home and then when deciding to come back just missed his mother’s funeral, Mary Barrett in Templeathea would love to receive a copy of same.