By Tom Aherne
The death has taken place of Eileen (Eily) O’Connor nee Healy, Glensharrold, Carrigkerry, wife of the late John, peacefully at her residence on January 25th. Eily was 89 years old and was in ill health for the past number of years. She was a homemaker and a good neighbour who will be sadly missed by all who knew her. She lay in repose at Reidy’s Funeral Home, Newcastle West on Wednesday January 27th, from 6pm to 8pm. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated at St Mary’s Church, Carrigkerry on Thursday morning at 11am followed by burial in Churchtown Cemetery, Newcastle West. We extend our sympathy to sons Maurice and David, daughters Chrissie, Eileen, Ann and Cecilia, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. May she rest in Peace.
The death has also taken place of Danjoe, Ahern, late of Glensharrold, in Brighton, Southern England.
The following are the Lottery results from Neary’s Bar, Ardagh on Monday January 25th. The numbers drawn were 2, 5, 10, 16, and there was no Jackpot winner. Congratulations to the lucky dip winners €60 Claire Green, Newcastle West. €60 Ann Hollyhead, Ardagh. €60 Maggie and Paddy c/o Josie. €30 Yvonne O’Connor, Carrigkerry. €30 Brian Sheehy c/o Neary’s. €30 Dan Ryan, Ardagh. Next week’s draw will be held in the Old Mill Bar, and the Jackpot will be €10,000.
Jason Mullins from the Saint Kieran’s club was the referee in charge of the Munster Senior Hurling League match between Kerry and Waterford which was played in Fitzgerald Park, Killarney on Saturday January 23rd.
The Limerick GAA Club Draw was launched in the Woodlands House Hotel Adare on Thursday January 21st. Saint Kieran’s are participating and are seeking members to join up at present. The Draw commences in March and the cost is €100 for the ten months. The club get to keep 50% of the membership money and there are valuable prizes on offer each month. Contact Michael Windle on 086-8223376 or any other committee member for more details and to join up.
The National Club Draw run by Croke Park for all clubs around the country is being run again this year. Each club who participate will retain the proceeds of the tickets they sell, but the club cannot buy the tickets themselves. The tickets cost €10 and are printed in books of ten and participation is not compulsory for clubs. The prizes on offer are well worth winning with first prize a new Opel Corsa. The draw will take place on Friday 11th March at Croke Park.
The local teams had their matches called off in the Desmond League on Sunday January 24th. In the Desmond Ladies League Creeves Celtic defeated Kilbehenny 3-2 after extra time at home in Round 1 of the Desmond Cup. Mairéad Cummane, 2 and Norma Nolan, scored their goals. Kilcolman Rovers lost 7-1 at home to Mungret in the same competition. In Division 1 of the League, Carrig Celtic received a walkover from Glin Rovers.
West Limerick charity wrenboys, would like to thank all who supported their charity fundraising on St. Stephen’s Day. The following charity groups benefitted from the proceeds: Joanne McMahon Thanksgiving Fund for the Burns Unit of St James Hospital Dublin. The Oncology Unit at University Hospital Limerick. The Tuesday Social Club Ardagh Senior Citizens, and the Orchid Unit at St Ita’s Hospital, Newcastle West.
The good news is that Ardagh Post Office is to reopen in the coming weeks. It has been a major loss to the people of the locality since its closure in mid- November. The position of Postmaster is to be advertised shortly.
Parents who wish to enrol their children in Ardagh N.S. for next September are invited to attend the school principal for an enrolment application form. Please phone 069- 76353 for more details. Parents who wish to enrol their children in Kilcolman N.S. for next September are asked to telephone the school on 069-60005.
The fundraising for the Joanne McMahon thanksgiving fund is progressing very well and to date over €10,000 has been raised. Liam Woulfe, a member of the committee, was a guest on the In the County programme on Limerick Live 95. He outlined the progress to date and some of the upcoming events that have been planned to date. A number of events will be held in Ardagh in the Church and Hall.
A table quiz will be held in the Ballintemple, Newcastle West on Friday 5th February in aid of the Joanne McMahon Thanksgiving Fund. All the proceeds will go towards the Saint James Hospital Burns Unit. The main cycle/walk event with a choice of three routes will be held in Castlemahon on 17th April.
Newcastle West Film Club will resume after the Christmas break on Friday 5th February. They will show Force Majeure, in the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West commencing at 8pm. The film is about a family on a ski holiday in the French Alps, and the effect an avalanche has on them. The people gather beforehand for a chat and some refreshments in the comfortable venue. All are welcome from 18 years to retirees and admission is €7
West Limerick singing club will hold their monthly singing session in the Ramble Inn, Abbeyfeale, on Friday 5th February at 9pm. All singers, storytellers and interested listeners are welcome. They will hold their annual fundraising variety concert in Fr Casey’s GAA Clubhouse on Saturday 12th March. Tickets cost €10 and the concert will include traditional musicians, singers, storytellers and dancers. They will have a special night of songs to mark the 1916 Easter Rising on Friday 1st April.
A special concert to commemorate the 1916 Rising will be held in the New Hall, Castlemahon on Friday 5th February starting at 8pm. The event will celebrate the role of music, song and poetry in the struggle for Irish Freedom. This is the first of a range of events being run by Limerick City and County Council this year to commemorate the Rising and admission is free. The line-up of performers are all household names from around West Limerick, including Jacky O’Connor from Kilcolman, the Trad Scene presenter with West Limerick 102 Radio.
Coolcappa Music Group presents a Variety Concert featuring local talent in Rathkeale House Hotel on Saturday 6th February at 8pm sharp. The MC on the night will be the many of many talents Joe Carrig and the proceeds in aid of the Joanne McMahon Thanksgiving Fund for the Burns Unit in Saint James Hospital in Dublin. The tickets cost €10 and they are on sale in shops around West Limerick. Admission is by ticket only as there are seating restrictions, and a large attendance is expected. People who cannot attend can still support the event by purchasing a ticket, and they will be included in a draw on the night for a number of valuable prizes. Tickets can be got by contacting the following numbers, 087-2153685, and 087-6555098, and all support will be greatly appreciated.
The annual Parish Clerk’s collection will be taken up in Coolcappa/Kilcolman on Saturday/Sunday 6th/7th February. People are asked to show their appreciation for the dedication and care that Tony and Joan bring to their duties.
The West Limerick branch of the Mental Health Association will hold its monthly meeting at Maple Lodge, Gortboy, Newcastle West on Wednesday 10th February at 8pm. All members are asked to attend and new members are most welcome
The Munster finals of Ceol an Gheimhridh 2015/16 will be held in Hazelwood College, Dromcollogher on Sunday 14th February. We wish the best of luck to all the local competitors participating in the events.
The West Limerick GAA Board will hold their All Star Awards Night, on Saturday 20th February in the Rathkeale House Hotel. Congratulations to Anthony Mullins from the Saint Kieran’s Club who will receive the Minor B Football Award and James O’Connor who will receive the U-21 B Football award.
The County Senior Scór final will be held in Askeaton in Askeaton Community Hall on Sunday 21st February commencing at 7pm. All clubs are asked to participate and to support the event.
West Limerick 102fm Community Radio, Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Desmond Complex on Tuesday 23rd of February at 7.30pm. The meeting will commence at 8pm sharp and all are welcome.
The annual walk in aid of the Respite Centre, Dromcollogher will be held on Sunday 28th February. The five mile walk will depart from the Respite Centre at 12 noon. Parking is available in front of the GAA Grounds and refreshments will be served afterwards. Sponsorship cards are available by contacting 087-9354090.