By Peg Prendeville

We usually are guaranteed good weather for Listowel races but 2015 is breaking the rules. With Monday and Tuesday cancelled due to a water-logged course it is hoped that the rest of the week will be more pleasant.

Rain did not dampen the spirits of all in Knockdown who gathered on Sunday evening to celebrate Liam Enright’s 90thbirthday with Afternoon Tea in the Knockdown Arms. It might be something that will catch on such was its success. Organised by Liam’s nieces, especially Carol with her creative touch, it was an evening to remember for all the Enright family and lots of friends. Happy Birthday to Liam.

All the children in Glin Library were delighted to be part of the celebrations at the library’s 10th birthday last Friday. There were goodies for all with special birthday treats for all the 10 year olds. Thanks to Limerick City and County Council for co-operating.

On Saturday night 19th September at 9pm, the Dieselman’s Ball will be launched in The Village Inn, Ashford. A great night is assured with music provided by Mossie’s Country Roadshow, raffle, food, drink and craic. Tickets for the ball will be on sale along with limited edition tee shirts. The ball is being held on Saturday 7th November in the Devon Inn where you will be treated to a 4 course meal and music by The Michael Collins Band for only € 30 per head. These events are being run to raise much needed funds for The Cliona Foundation, providing financial assistance to families of sick children. All support would be very much appreciated. For more, contact Pat White (086-8170600) Anne Dullea (086-7760269) or Elaine White(086-3895382). 

 Happy 90th birthday, Liam


Liam Enright

If you’re ever in Glenbawn

And walk the roads around

You’ll be sure to meet Liam Enright

Passing by Bricktown.

Though now 90 years of age

He’s as agile as can be

Always a smile upon his face

And still out dancing, believe me.

Never having lived elsewhere

But his native Clounleharde

He’s happy in his little house

Where no one is ever barred.

Though remaining single all his life

He is not short of company

With nieces and nephews all around

He is happy and carefree.

For years with his brother Jimmy,

Whose hobbies were the same,

He walked the greyhounds every day.

Claire’s Fancy brought them fame.

But though those days are over now

And Jimmy has passed on

“Uncle Liam” keeps  smiling

As he walks around Bricktown.

So we wish him Happy Birthday

And give him three loud cheers

He’ll be dancing in Knockdown

To celebrate his ninety years.