By Peg Prendeville

Congratulations to Brian Long, Knockdown, on being voted Limerick Desmond Youth Player of the Year. Brian is an outstanding player and the Killeaney AFC is proud of him. He obviously has the same talent as his father, Liam. Well done Brian.

Ballyhahill NS is holding a table quiz in Knockdown this Friday night to raise funds towards repainting the outside of the school. All support is needed and will be appreciated so whether you have children for the school or not it promises to be a night of fun followed by a raffle and ceól agus craic. Please come along and support the school. Signs are good for new entrants this year which should boost the numbers. It is great to have a local school and it would be a disaster for the parish if it could not be maintained to the standard for which it was always well known. It is great to hear that planning permission has been granted for at least three houses ( thus three families) in the  general area between Knockdown and Ballyhahill so the future looks bright.

I have not heard the cuckoo yet but a friend in Tipperary heard him yesterday so he is on the way. It is always a sign of summer when the cuckoo and the turf machines are heard. The turf has been cut so we are on the way, hopefully.

A benefit night will be held to raise funds for  the family of baby Orlaith Geoghegan during her treatment for Congenital Hyperinsulinism (CHI) at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London.  The funds raised will help towards Mom’s accommodation and expenses while Orlaith is in hospital. The venue is the Rathkeale House Hotel on Saturday 16th   May at 8 p.m. Tickets €10 available from local outlets. Baby Orlaith is a niece to Jacqueline Mangan who runs the very successful Montessori school in Ballyhahill. 

It is nice to travel the roads since the recent Limerick Cleanup. Though some litter has again been dropped the roads are obviously cleaner and tidier. I see that other counties are organizing cleanups now too. Of course, there would be no need for these campaigns if each person took home their own rubbish.

Thanks to all who returned the Synod questionnaires last weekend. It is only by hearing people’s views that the agenda for the synod can be set.