‘It’s The Real McCoy Continues’

 Due to unprecedented numbers turning up each night to view Athea Drama Group‘s latest production, it has been decided to perform the play for two extra nights on Thursday February 19th and Sunday February 22nd at Con Colbert Hall Athea at 8pm. All proceeds raised on the Sunday night will go towards the Athea Saint Vincent de Paul Society and Athea Community Alert. The play has received fantastic reviews and has been described as ‘a must see’! Doors open at 7.30. Please be there early!!

 Athea Tidy Towns Fashion Show

A highlight of the social calendar in Athea in previous years, the Athea Tidy Towns members are currently organising a fashion show  to raise funds for this year’s endeavours and are encouraging locals to get on board for what promises to be a fantastic night of fashion.

The event is set to take place at the Con Colbert Memorial Hall on Thursday, February 26th at 8pm, where some of the top fashion outlets from West Limerick and North Kerry will showcase their Summer collections. Judges will also be on the lookout for the best dressed lady on the night, with some lovely prizes up for grabs.

Tickets are priced at €10 and can be booked in advance by phoning Margaret (087-1225701) or Eileen (087 9848247). Organisers will also hold a raffle throughout the night for some top class spot prizes, proceeds from which will also be going to the local tidy towns group for various projects in the months ahead.

Athea, Carrigkerry, Old Mill Association Ltd.

C.E. Scheme Vacancy

We are currently seeking applicants for the position of Secretary (based in Athea). Those wishing to apply will need to be receiving a payment from Social Welfare for at least 1 year in order to qualify. Please contact 068-42301 for further details.


News from local TY Student Molly Denihan

On Tuesday evening the U16 Athea Basketball girls travelled to Tralee to play St. Bridget’s. Unfortunately we were beaten 52 to 43. All the team played well but Claire Carmody and Rachel Greaney played exceptionally well. Both TY classes in Tarbert Comp went to Tralee IT on Friday. The aim of the trip was to gain knowledge about different courses. Everybody got to pick a certain course that they would be interested in after the Leaving Cert. Some of the courses were business studies, engineering, hotel management etc. I picked business studies. We were joined by some students from Rathkeale secondary school who we were previously performing against in Macroom, where we performed our play and entertainment show. After participating in the inter-school competition in Macroom two weeks ago we were finally given the results. Unfortunately the light entertainment show didn’t get through but the one-act play did and the people involved will be returning to Macroom in a couple of weeks to compete in the final against Rathkeale.The Athea Drama Group’s production  of  “The Real McCoy” has been a brilliant success. Due to demand the group have decided to put on two extra performances; Thursday the 19th and Sunday the 22nd next. The group have been especially impressed with the numbers of young people attending and are delighted they are showing such interest in drama and also supporting their friends who are involved on stage and behind the scenes.

Molly Denihan