By Peg Prendeville

It was with sadness and nostalgia that I heard of the death of Pat Brosnan on Thursday morning 8th January 2015. I had been to see him just before Christmas and he was telling me how lonely he was on hearing that Thomas J O’Donoghue passed away just before Christmas and so now Pat is gone to join him and surely both of them have reunited with Paddy Faley and are reciting poetry and having a discussion on the Ballyguiltenane Rural Journal which the three founded in 1977. The three men contributed to every edition of the journal during all these years right up to the end which is no mean feat. Pat was a prolific writer and was not afraid to say what he thought whether people liked it or not. He contributed to all local journals including Athea and Ballyhahill as well as having his own “Pat’s Corner” in the Athea and District News from 28 September 1996  up to very recently. He also submitted local notes to the Leader for many years. Of course he was a fine singer, poet and songwriter/balladmaker also. He was telling me, during my visit, that he had been writing since 1947 (I think), and was frustrated that the power had left his hands and he could no longer work the pen even though his mind was sharp. I can only imagine his frustration but he also said that he was able to accept whatever life threw at him. This is a great grace because when one is able to accept their fate it makes life easier to endure when times get rough. At his funeral Mass we were reminded of the great work Pat did for his community; he found time to be involved in Ceól Luimní, GAA, Comhaltas, Pioneer Association, Civil Defence, Credit Union, Community Games. He was a man of great faith, a great family man, friend and neighbour and will be greatly missed. Sincere sympathies to his family Seán, Sheila, Tina and Breda and all their families, of whom he was so proud. May he rest in peace.

Sympathies are also extended to the Barrett family on the death of Vincent last weekend. It is sad to see three neighbours from Knocknagorna gone in the one week.

But as always there is good news too. Congratulations to Áine Geaney, Toureen, who got engaged to Moss O’Connor, Carrigkerry during Christmas.

All of West Limerick was listening to The Voice from Ireland on Sunday night and were not disappointed. Well done and congratulations to Laura Enright, Dromreask, who sang her heart out and turned all four chairs, which is no mean feat. There was great excitement, well deserved, among her family and friends. She is assured of our support as she continues through the contest.

Loughill/Ballyhahill Senior Citizens party will be held on next Sunday 18th January in the Hall, Ballyhahill at 1.30 p.m.