By Kathleen Mullane
‘Out & About’
Athea St. Vincent de Paul wish to thank everyone sincerely for their continued yearly generosity at their collection last weekend. No doubt, as always, the money will be put to extremely good use – as many families are finding it very difficult especially at this time of the year.
You are reminded that the Athea Utd Schoolboys Church gate collection will take place this weekend, December 13th/14th. As we are all well aware great work is being done with these young boys throughout the year, which keeps them busy, off the street and very fit. So please give as generously as you can.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Mary Daly on the recent death in England of her sister.
Also sympathy goes to Margaret Geaney, Toureen on the death in England of her brother, over the weekend. May they rest in peace.
Sincere congrats go this week to Dr. Kieran Murphy who celebrated his 60th birthday along with his family over the weekend. A lovely evening was enjoyed by everyone.
This Friday, December 12th sees Athea N.S. holding a clothes collection at the school. All unwanted clothes can be put in sealed plastic bags and left inside the school wall on or before Friday. Indeed a great time to do a pre-Christmas clear-out and of course the many charity shops in Listowel, Abbeyfeale, Newcastle West etc are crying out for good re-saleable clothes.
On this Thursday, December 11th the school are holding their Christmas concert in the hall. No doubt at this stage it has been a “sell-out” due to limited numbers. The Athea Vixens are organising refreshments for sale during the concert interval in aid of the school. If any parents or family members would like to donate some cakes, scones, buns etc for the night it would really be appreciated. Best of luck to all the young students taking part.
Well, Santa’s arrival on his sleigh attracted a great crowd on last Thursday evening here in Athea. Children posed for photos with a “very jolly” Santa and gave him their letters. Donations though a bucket collection will go to the Friends of St. Ita’s.
No doubt the much looked forward to ‘Athea Parish Journal’ will be on sale in the very near future, a nice Christmas gift for family and friends.