Maura Nolan from Kilcolman, and a native of Knockfinisk, Athea, launched her first CD ‘Am Le Chéile-time together’ in Saint Ita’s Hospital Newcastle West on Thursday 30th January and at the Top of the Town in Athea on Friday 14th February.   The CD costs € 15 and is on sale from reception in Saint Ita’s, Newcastle West, and Saint Gobnait’s Ballyagran. She visits and performs at both Hospitals’ regularly which the patients look forward to and enjoy so much. The CD is also on sale at Moloney’s Carrigkerry Newcastle West Library and the Desmond Complex in Newcastle West and also at Maura’s ongoing live performances. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the CD (€2) will be generously donated to the Friends of Saint Ita’s Hospital. Maura was a guest on the Exchange Programme on West Limerick 102 Community Radio on Tuesday 18thFebruary. She outlined how the idea of the CD came about and how she collected the songs, and the input from the patient’s in the Hospital’s she visited. She also told presenter Sheila O’Regan about her long association with singing and performing and her interaction with her friends in St Ita’s and St Gobnaits. The CD contains a mix of songs and music and would make a lovely keepsake, for personal use or for a friend. We wish Maura well with the sales which are going well at present.

Congratulations and best wishes in the future to John and Catherine Guinane, Lisgordan, Ardagh who recently celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary with their family.

Ardagh Development Association recently made a cheque donation of € 500 to John Joe Kennelly for the Tuesday Social Club. The Club is very appreciative of this generous sum which will be used for the   ongoing costs incurred.

The Marie McCoy Memorial soccer match between Newcastle West and Wanderers over thirty five teams was held over Christmas in Newcastle West.  It raised € 3,183 for Milford Hospice and the cheque was handed over by Aine Mc Coy and Noel Murphy to Josie O’Keeffe, and Pat Dalton who accepted it on behalf of Milford Hospice. The Mc Coy family from the Old Mill road would like to thank everybody for getting involved with this great cause.

The following are the Lottery results from The Thatch Bar Newbridge, on Monday 17th February. The numbers drawn were 3, 9, 10, 23, and there was no Jackpot winner. Congratulations to the lucky dip winners. €60 Aileen Leslie c/o Curley’s. €60 Peter O’Connor, Ardagh.  €60 Tara Flaherty c/o B Kelly. €30 Seán Ryan, Ardagh. €30 Dawn O’Sullivan c/o B Kelly. €30 Ger Power c/o Bus Eireann.  Next week’s draw will be held in Peadar’s Bar, Ardagh and the Jackpot will be €10,300.

Congratulations to the Kilcolman U-11 quiz team who came first in the Desmond Credit Union Quiz on Friday 30th January and progress to the next round. The team included Sean Ryan (captain) Danielle Donovan, Megan Kelly, and Ciara Kelly. Well done to the U-13 team members who came third Therese O’Connor (captain) Aidan Brouder, Sean Kelly, and Aoife Kinehan.

The storm on Wednesday 12th February caused widespread disruption to all sections of the community. The good news was there was no loss of life, or major injuries reported. The majority of roads were blocked by falling trees and power lines. The power was out in the Carrigkerry area until the following Thursday a full week after.  The folly of running overhead lines through forestry plantations came back to haunt us again similar to 1997 so no lessons were learned over the last 16 years. Trees should never be planted underneath or too close to power lines. The forestry owners should now be made remove them to ensure this will never happen again, as it was the main problem of power loss in rural areas. We thank all the services involved in returning the power as quickly as possible.

An exhibition of paintings mainly landscapes and country scenes by Tilly Curtin, Reen’s Ardagh is now on display at Newcastle West Library. Tilly has been painting for many years, and this is her first exhibition, and it is well worth a visit. The exhibition is open during library hours until Monday 3rd March. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.30am to 5pm, and Tuesday and Friday from 10.30am to 8pm.

Parents wishing to enrol children in Kilcolman N.S.for the new term in September 2014 should contact the Principal on 069-60005 for an application form at their earliest convenience.

Parents wishing to enrol children in Ardagh N.S.for the new term in September 2014 should contact the Principal on 069-76353 for an application form.

Parents wishing to enrol children in Coolcappa N.S.for the new term in September 2014 should contact the Principal Nora Madden on 069-76493 for an application form

West Limerick Resources will be offering a series of drama workshops across the West Limerick area this spring.  The short courses will include acting, directing for stage and technical skills.  Courses are free of charge and open to anyone living in the West Limerick area.  To apply for a place please contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email [email protected]

I was alarmed to read that a proposal for the provision of a distributor road through Newcastle West’s Castle Demesne is contained in Limerick County Council’s Local Development Plan for the town. This oasis of peace is the envy of so many towns around the country and should be retained in its present format. The enjoyment it provides for countless users is one of the few free comforts we have at present. If Limerick County Council had collected fees owed to them from developers, and cut back on consultant fees over the years they would have had enough money to put in place a real roadway to bypass Newcastle West a number of years ago. I was saddened to see the many fine trees uprooted during the storm of Wednesday 12th February. Thanks to everybody who cleaned up after the destruction to allow people free access to the entire Demesne. The message to Limerick County Council is to leave Castle Demesne alone and to get their own act together.

The County Limerick GAA Club Draw 2014 was launched on Thursday 30th January at the Woodlands House Hotel Adare. The format is the same with ten monthly draws from March to December, with an entry fee of € 10 per month or €100 for the year. A lottery game has been introduced with four quick pick numbers 1 to 32 with a minimum prize of € 5,000 per month to maximum of € 20,000 if not won. The top prize each month is € 13,000, 2nd prize € 3,000, 3rd prize € 2,000, 4th prize € 1,000, 5th to 9th prizes € 500, 10th to 20th prizes € 250, 21st to 23rd prizes vouchers. There will be a lot of special match ticket prizes throughout the year as well. The first draw will take place on Saturday 29th March on the Limerick Live 95 FM Sports Programme from 10am to 11am. 

Saint Kieran’s Bord Na Nóg will hold their annual awards night on this Friday 28th February at in The Community Centre Ardagh. Presentations will be made to the U-8, U-10, U-12, and U-14 players.

Saint Kieran’s Bord Na Nóg held their AGM in the Community Centre Ardagh, on Monday 3rd February and the following officers were elected for the coming year. Chairman Mike Ruttle, Vice Chairman Donal Mc Enery, Secretary Deirdre Ambrose, Treasurer Catherine Hayes, Children’s Officer Owen Hayes, Club Delegates Mike Ruttle, and Sean Sullivan.

Volunteers are needed to help with this year’s Lollipop fundraising campaign on Friday and Saturday 28th February/1ST March. The Lollipops will be on sale for €2 and the funds raised will go towards the Oesophageal Cancer Fund (O.C.F.) People who are interested in helping out are asked to contact Noelle Ryan chairperson on

Kilcolman Rovers F.C. are holding a fundraising quiz in Peadar’s Bar Ardagh on this Saturday 1st March at 9.30pm. Donations of spot prizes are most welcome, and all support appreciated.

It is the policy of Kilcolman Rovers F.C. that in the interest of health and safety and child protection that parents guardians and designated adults, must come to the gate or door of venue where children are training or playing a match to collect their children.

Carrigkerry/Old Mill Development Association presents Moonshine, which will be performed by Knockaderry/Clouncagh Drama Group in Knockaderry Recourse Centre on Sunday 16th March at 8pm. The admission is € 10 and there will be a raffle on the door ticket. The proceeds from the night will go towards the running of the C.E.Scheme in Carrigkerry and Old Mill. Tickets will be available for sale in the coming weeks and all support will be greatly appreciated.