After a few weeks of hibernation, the Tidy Towns Committee are now active once again and are looking forward to another successful year.
The path at the Giants Garden which was in a dangerous state with rocks jutting out in places was attended to last week by Limerick County Council. The path is now tarmacked and the lead up to Holy Cross Graveyard is now one we can all be very proud of. Incidentally, a lot of people have expressed delight at the recent illumination of the cross and the caring and loving impression created.
The wall at the old forge across from the Credit Union has recently been raised in preparation for a Heritage Mural which will depict a Blacksmith at work and the activities that took place at this area in times gone by.
Our TUS worker James Kenrick is busy at the moment carving bi-lingual signs for our Wildlife Garden located behind the Memorial Hall. We are lucky to have such skills available to our group.
Last week we received a further contribution from Airtricity towards our Street Lighting Project. The plan is to replace the current street lighting with energy efficient LED lighting and to place the unsightly wires underground. This project will cost in the region of 250,000 and we are currently exploring other funding opportunities available to us to make this dream of a wire free, energy efficient village a reality!
We must commend the Athea GAA and especially our committee member Jim Sullivan for the work carried out at the GAA grounds recently. The walls have all been plastered and an impressive gate depicting the words ‘ATHEA GAA’ has been erected. Different groups working together for the benefit of the parish is really what community is all about.
Unfortunately, West Limerick Resources has not been granted any additional funding for LEADER projects so far this year. This is very disappointing as we had a project plan submitted and there was great excitement among the group about the various projects. This will result in less funding available to our group until the next LEADER Programme commences in late 2015. However, where there is a will there is a way and the outstanding generosity of the people of Athea should ensure our work can continue.
If you would like to join us in improving our village and enhancing our community for 2014 please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee , you would be most welcome!