Vacant Houses in Athea Village and their Liability for the
new Property Tax
If you are the owner of a vacant property or maybe one left to you by a deceased relative you are liable for the new property tax effective on July 1st 2013. Even if you have not received a letter from Revenue with all the relevant details you are still responsible for the tax and will end up paying interest at a rate of 4% for any unpaid taxes.
This also applies to people who are legal representatives of a deceased relative. For example if a person dies and left no will their property automatically falls to their immediate relatives. Usually the family appoints one, sometimes two family members to act as representatives for them. I was surprised to learn that these “legal representatives” are liable for the property tax, seems unfair I know but the Revenue are heartless when it comes to collecting taxes. Luckily there is an alternative available, you can apply to “defer” the tax using form LPT2 this effectively rolls the tax into the property itself and the tax only becomes due when the property is sold. Sadly the filing date by post for this form has already passed, however, it can still be submitted online up to the 23rd May 2013 If you think this might apply to you it would be wise to pay or defer this tax as failure to do so will attract the attention of the Revenue to your own personal affairs.
All information provided can be accessed and confirmed on the Revenue website at
Athea Tidy Towns
Our first wildlife survey took place on Saturday last. Unfortunately the weather conditions weren’t in our favour but nevertheless the survey went on. It was very interesting to learn about the many creatures living in the river as well as the diverse range of wildflowers in the village and the many butterflies that rely on these flowers to lay their eggs on. Geoff was pleased to learn that fifteen bird boxes have been erected in our village in the last week, some across from the school, some out the Glin Rd and others at Doctor McGraths. We hope birds will take up residency shortly. Another survey is scheduled to take place in early June, with more details to follow. We would encourage anyone interested in learning about the local wildlife to come along. Families and children are especially welcome.
We got a good response for sponsorship for our flower beds on the Carrig Rd, if you would like to sponsor a bed please get in touch with any member of the committee or we can be contacted on 087 9042477.
Our clean ups continue right throughout the summer on Tuesday evenings at 7pm and Saturday mornings at 9am, judging isn’t far away and we hope many residents will come out and lend a hand over the coming weeks.