A special Memorial Plaque will be unveiled on this Sunday May 12th in memory of Lyons, Dalton and Walsh at 12 o’clock at Gortagleanna Bridge. This is a special occasion and everyone is welcome for the unveiling.

Congratulations and well done to all the Athea Jogging group that took part in 10km runs over the weekend. To Bernadette Enright, Miriam Ahern, Elaine Tierney and Katie Collins who took part in the Monagea 10km in aid of CRY (The Adult Sudden Death Syndrome Organisation) and finished in great times and to all who took part in “The Great Limerick Run” on Sunday also raising money for “CRY” . Their times as follows:

Carol O’Connor – 50:51

Rose McAuliffe – 1:01:12

Liam McAuliffe – 49:22

Lorcan McAuliffe- 53:54

Bill McAuliffe – 1:20:56 (injured)

Mark McAuliffe – 52:48

Shane Ambrose- 50:01.

Micheál Ambrose – 49:22.

Kathleen Ambrose – 50:05.

Raymond Enright 51:40

Denise O’Riordan – 47:11.

Bridget Liston- 51:37.

Liz Kiely – 1:06:43

Denis Mulvihill – 58:16.

Gráinne Mulvihill – 52:22.

Eamon Mulvihill – 59:24.

Apologies if anyone has been omitted.

The social walking/jogging group meet every Tuesday and Thursday night at the Hall at 7.30pm for the slower group and 8.15pm for the faster legs. It’s never too late to start – we will be the fittest parish in the West as we also have some great cyclists who have also now taken to the roads. Following in the footsteps of Denny Mulvihill and Billy Reidy and many more. It’s great to see the Secondary School students too joining the jogging group each week much better than sitting in front of a computer!

Well no new babies this week, no weddings and thankfully no deaths. So I came across these tips recently on “How to stay Young” – so here goes!

1. Keep learning. Learn more about crafts, gardening Languages whatever. Never let the brain die. ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop’ and the devil’s name is ALZHEIMERS.

2. Keep only cheerful friends, grouches pull you down.

3. Enjoy the simple things of life.

4. Laugh often, long and hard until you gasp for breath.

5. Cherish your health. If it is good preserve it. If it is unstable improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve get help.

6. Surround yourself with what you love whether its family, pets, music, hobbies etc. Your home is your refuge.

7. Tell the people you love them at every opportunity.

8. The tears happen – Endure- grieve and move on. The only person who is with us our entire lives is ourselves. Be ‘Alive’ while you are alive.