Well done again to Gerard Barrett, who put on a great performance on the Late Late show last Friday night. He was so confident and assured and pleasant; we will watch his future with interest.
There will be an historical walk with the Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society in the Ballyhahill area next Sunday starting from Glin Church car park around 2pm. Everybody is welcome. You would never know what we might learn about our own place.
I believe that the cuckoo has been heard but I have not had the pleasure yet. Swallows have been spotted too so summer might be on the way. The turf machines are ready and rearing to go.
All roads will be leading to Newcastle West this weekend for the Éigse Michael Hartnett. I am looking forward to seeing Spoken Dance in action on Thursday night in the Newcastle West library. Spoken Dance’ was born out of a community based integration dance class that was facilitated by the Limerick County Arts Office and the Irish Wheelchair Association at the University of Limerick in 2005. It is under the guidance of Mary Hartney. Both abled and disabled dance together and include the wheelchair in the movements. “Roles of dependence and independence are constantly being exchanged as each dancer gains insight into the other dancer’s experience.”
Killeaney Lotto stands at €8400. Numbers drawn were 11 – 12 – 16 – 23. Mary and Nicola Sheahan won €80. Eoin Hand got €30. Mike and Cathal Cummane shared €20, Michael O’Shaughnessy and Miriam O’Shaughnessy both won €20. Five free tickets went to Maebh Dunne and Johnny Lyons. Promoter’s prize went to Joe McGrath. Next week’s draw will be held in Dunne’s Bar on Sunday night. Killeaney club wishes to thank all who support the weekly lotto which is vital to the running of the club.