Well the annual Fair Day here on Saturday last in Athea was a great success. It started early in the morning with stalls being set up selling all their ‘knick-knacks’, there was an abundance of ponies, horses, hens, ducks, kittens, pups, home baking, clothes stalls and much more. As always it was a place where everyone browsed, chatted, haggled and purchased and thankfully despite the cold the rain stayed away until the afternoon.
At the Fair Day, the Athea Ladies football club held their annual fundraising draw. The club thanks all who supported their draw, to Paul Collins for the table and chairs on the day, to Diarmuid and Rose for allowing their stall to be set up and for bringing them soup and tea. As always Pat and Donie White gave the use of their horse box as well as selling tickets and thanks to all who helped in any way. Nora Cahill, Upper Athea won the first prize of the trailer of timber, kindly sponsored by Tom O’Grady of Brown Joe’s. Kevin Kelly, Templeathea won the pony sponsored by Donie O’Sullivan. Kim and Ciara O’Grady drew the tickets for the draw and thanks also to them.
Congratulations to Rachel Greaney, Grace Ryan, Cianna Murphy and Aoife, Noelle and Michelle Curtin all who play with Athea U-13’s football team and who played with Limerick County in Lisdoonvarna at the weekend, getting into the Co. Final.
A great ‘fun night’ this Friday night, November 9th at the Top of the Town when a fundraising quiz for the Hall will take place at 9.30pm. It’s imperative that parents and students alike support the quiz – thankfully the debt has been greatly reduced “but we want to keep it that way” and with heating, light and insurance costs etc to be paid a bit of fundraising has to be done now and then and I’m sure we all agree it’s a huge asset to our community! And don’t forget it’s available for parties, get-togethers, post-funeral meals etc with the newly renovated kitchen.
The “ Christmas Fair” is also coming up on Sunday, December 9th from 11am-5pm and you can book a table now for €10 (which will go to the hall). Six tables are already booked so if you have books, knitting/crochet items, toys, unwanted gifts, clothes, flower arrangements, crafts etc ring Caroline on 087-6643307 – it’s a great way to sell items. “What’s one person’s rubbish is another person’s treasure”.
Also on Friday, November 30th and Friday, December 7th the ‘Athea Crafts’ group will sell their handmade wares near Colleen’s Bakery Stall from 9.30am to 1pm. Please support them.