Sean Fitzgerald, Batt’s Bar
accepting his Award from
Chairman Henry Moran for
‘Best Traditional Business Premises 2012’

Helen Browne, Best Kept Business Premises and Best kept Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets

Anne Denihan ‘Best Kept Front Garden on Approach Road 2012’

Adare Bypass refusal a blow to Kerry and West Limerick – Ferris

The decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for the proposed N21 Adare bypass is a blow to Kerry and West Limerick according to Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris.
Adare is a massive bottleneck for traffic travelling to and from Kerry and West Limerick and this decision will do nothing to enhance the county’s already struggling economy.
He added that Kerry Group’s recent decision to locate 900 new jobs in Naas was a stark reminder of the neglect that this region has faced by central government.
Deputy Ferris said: “This decision is very disappointing and represents a blow to Kerry and West Limerick. Adare is a severe bottleneck for traffic travelling to and from this county and is badly in need of a bypass. I believe that anything up to 10,000 cars have to pass through the town on a daily basis.
“Anyone travelling from Dublin to Kerry will tell you that it is great until you reach Adare where you are often met with extremely long and frustrating tailbacks. It is often the same on the Kerry side.
“Last week we were given a stark reminder of the problems we face as a region when Kerry Group chose to locate 900 new jobs in Kildare. I’m not pretending that the lack of decent road access is the only issue we face, but it certainly is part of the problem and this bypass would have been a huge boost.
“This is a setback for businesses, tourism and anyone who travels in and out of Kerry on a frequent basis”.

Athea Tidy Towns

Results of the Local Competitions 2012

Best Kept Front Garden in Housing Estates:   Winner- Sandra O’ Sullivan, Hillside Drive.

Highly Commended: Helen Sheehan, Hillside Drive

Best Kept Garden on Approach Road:  Winner- Anne Denihan, Lower Road.

Highly Commended:  Maria Woulfe, Templeathea

Best Kept Business Premises:  Winner-Browne’s Shop, Colbert Street.

Highly Commended:  O’ Riordan’s Pharmacy, Colbert Street

Best Kept Window Boxes/ Hanging Baskets: Winner- Browne’s Shop, Colbert Street.

Highly Commended: William Murphy, 4 Galeside.

Traditional Business Premises Award: Winner- Batt’s Bar, Colbert Street.