Margaret O’Mahony daughter of Jim & Mary O’Mahony, Coole West, Athea who celebrated her 40th birthday in London recently with family & friends. L-R sister Jane, brother Tom & birthday girl Margaret
Tidy Towns Meeting
A meeting will be held at the Top of the Town on Tuesday May 8th at 8pm. Everyone welcome.
West Limerick Resources
are seeking entrants for the Images of Rural Europe Photo competition which aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Rural Europe by collecting photos covering a variety of rural development themes, from all EU Member States. All photos will be considered for inclusion in a major EU ‘Travelling’ Exhibition’ during 2012/2013. The exhibition will begin with a high profile launch ceremony at the European Commission Headquarters Berlaymont in Brussels, where the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Mr Dacian Cioloş, will present the awards for ‘best photos’ in each category to the winning photographers.
Open to all professional and amateur photographers who are resident in one of the EU Member States, each entrant may submit as many photos as s/he wishes to their local action group (West Limerick Resources) who may submit a maximum of three photos per category. Photos should be in soft copy only and no less than 5MB and 300 dpi resolution. (Contact details on page 8)
Notes From West Limerick Resources
Following an announcement by Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government on April 25th the rate of aid for private promoters under the Rural Development (LEADER) Programme has increased from 50% to 75%. This change aims to address the difficulties being experienced in accessing credit in the current economic climate and will provide an increased level of support for rural entrepreneurs in Ireland. For further information on available enterprise supports contact Morgan Boohan, West Limerick Resources Enterprise Officer on 069 66290 or email [email protected]
West Limerick Resources are seeking entrants for the Images of Rural Europe Photo competition which aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Rural Europe. All photos will be considered for inclusion in a major EU ‘Travelling’ Exhibition’ during 2012/2013 with awards presented for ‘best photos’ in each category to the winning photographers at a ceremony in Brussels. Open to all professional and amateur photographers, each entrant may submit as many photos as s/he wishes to their local action group (West Limerick Resources) who may submit a maximum of three photos per category. Photos should be in soft copy only and no less than 5MB and 300 dpi resolution. For full details see:http://www.ruralimages.eu/ Deadline for submission to West Limerick Resources is Monday May 14th at 5pm. Contact Clint at [email protected] for application form.
A two day Start Your Own Business course will take place in the Desmond Complex Newcastle West on Saturdays May 19th and 26th from 9.30am-1.30pm. Covering all aspects of how to start your own business, the course is free to those living in the West Limerick area. To register contact Morgan on 069 66290 or email [email protected]
Those currently involved with community drama or those interested in getting involved are being invited to take part in a short acting and performance skills training workshop which will take place in Askeaton on Saturday May 12th and 19th from 10am-4.30pm each day. Supported by West Limerick Resources the training is free of charge and will cover a wide range of acting and on-stage skills. All levels of experience catered for. To book a place contact Suzanne on 069 79114 or email [email protected]. Open to over 17’s only.