St. Patrick’s Day
Athea Comhaltas are having a session of Irish music, song and dance at the Top of the Town on St. Patrick’s Day starting at 4 p.m. This is usually a well attended, informal event and gives us the opportunity to celebrate our National Saint’s day with some traditional entertainment Everybody is welcome to join in.
Don’t forget the Ceili this Friday night, March 16th, at The Gables with music by Domhnall de Barra’s band. As usual there will be tuition from 8.30 to 9.30 by Timmy Woulfe before the ceili at 9.30.
Airtricity Community Funding
There was a big turnout at the Hall on Wednesday night last for the presentation of cheques to community groups who qualified for the Airtricity Community Funding. Eighteen groups in all shared in a fund of €127,000. The areas covered related to the Tournafulla, Templeglantine and Athea wind farms and stretched from Moyvane to Killeedy. Finbar Tymon and Anne Reynolds represented Airtricity and intimated that in future years, with the addition of more wind farms in the area, the fund would be much bigger. Three groups from Athea received funding: Athea N.S., Con Colbert Community Hall and Athea Community Council. (The Community Council funding is conditional on planning permission being obtained for the addition to the Library)

Raymond Enright, Margaret Watters, Sr Delia, Denis Casey, Jean Hayes and Claire Ryan, Athea N.S., receiving the cheque from Anne Reynolds, Airtricity