by Peg Prendeville
Don’t forget the Pub Quiz in Knockdown this Friday night beginning at 9pm sharp!
There are raffle tickets on sale at the moment for the Ronald McDonald charity which is connected to the Crumlin hospital. The draw for the raffle takes place in Knockdown on Saturday 24th and all support will be appreciated.
The Knockdown Vintage will be doing a “Run” of cars and tractors on the following Sunday March 25 in the Knockdown area. So it will be a busy weekend for everybody.
Killeaney AFC wishes to thank all those who supported their “Old clothes” collection last weekend and which helped to raise some much needed funds for the club.
Liza Mulvihill is back in St Ita’s, Newcastle West after being seriously sick for a while in the Regional. It is great to see her back to her old self again as she approaches 97 years of age. Co-incidentally, I recently came across an article my father wrote in which he included a story Liza told him one time about Drury, who was a man of wit. While Liza was working in Moyvane – over seventy years ago – a great storm caused a lot of damage to many houses and property. Drury was working with a farmer in Kilbaha at the time who suffered great loss, his houses having been blown down. He expected great sympathy from the neighbours and mentioned it to Drury that he thought the neighbours might lend a free hand to help him rebuild his damaged houses. Drury replied as follows:
“The storm surely was a boon to carpenters and slaters
The thatchers too had work to do, more luck to the craythurs
If ever again they are short of work may there come another storm
To blow your stables and stalls, dwellings and all, to blazes around the farm!”
While in to see Liza I called to Nora Mulvihill who is always in great humour and always asking for the people around Knockdown.
The Loughill/Ballyhahill Annual will be on the shelves for Easter. Don’t forget to send a copy to your friends and family members who will not be at home this year. Extra pages for the same price as last year – €10.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.