by Kathleen Mullane


‘Out and About’

Wishing all the girls and boys of both 5th and 6th classes in Athea NS all the very best this Friday for their very special Confirmation Day in Athea Church. The ceremony takes place at 11 am with Canon John O’Shea of Abbeyfeale presiding. Hopefully the day will remain nice and fine. Incidentally, Caroline O’Connell, Templeathea will be taking the Confirmation photos on the day. For further information you can ring her on 087-6643307.

The Athea CFR Group who held their Church Gate Collection last weekend wish to thank very sincerely  everyone who put their hands and dug deep into their pockets supporting this very worthy cause. A total of €1,042.23 was collected. The CFR’s are a voluntary group who are constantly on hand to lend aid when it’s needed. Always have their emergency number at hand- you never know when you may need it – 087-2737077.

Congratulations and well done to each and every one of those who took part in the recent production of “Lovely Leitrim”- by Athea Drama Society last week. There was some great acting in it and a few new faces also which was great to see. A lot of hours and practising goes into a play like this and Theresa O’Halloran (Director) must be complimented along with the cast, back and front of house and all those who made the night the great success that it was . Here’s to the next production. And thankfully the Hall is there for all these gatherings etc! This brings me to another topic.

Following our Hall meeting last week it was proposed that the Sports Hall needed a well deserved ‘coat of paint’ which is hoped will be done in the not too distant future. We are calling on all parents of children who use the Hall, painters and indeed individuals who may have no work at the moment and may be looking for something to “while away the time” to volunteer by coming together to give it an overhaul. If you like you can ring me on 068-42378 or 087- 1233361 if you would like to help. We are trying to keep the costs down now that we are almost clear of the debt. Our next project is the kitchen refurbishment which can be used for catering for parties, funerals, get-togethers, birthdays etc. After all – “it’s your Hall”.

You are asked to support the grand fund-raising Concert on this Saturday night at Ruby’s in Abbeyfeale. The Concert starts at 9pm and the Céilí at 10pm. All the proceeds on the night will go to the Josh Keane Fund. Bridget Keane and Thomas O’Mahony hope to get their son Josh going for treatment to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London in the near future and with everybody’s help they will succeed. We wish him well.

There will be an Irish night at White’s on Saturday night in aid of the Chernobyl Children’s Fund. All musicians welcome. Please support.

Sympathy to Denny Mulvihill on the death of his nephew in Australia following a motor bike accident. Eoin O’Kelly was son of Denny’s sister Margaret.